Posts Tagged With: Conflict Theory

Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Thirty One

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 09/21/2013

Demonically Possessed Animals

At the start of the show I wanted to acknowledge the listeners that are trying to eat healthy by suggesting that they shop at Sprouts Farmers Market if they don’t already do so. I shop at the Sprouts Farmers Market in Lakewood, CA. and also in Whittier, CA. due to the quality of their food. One can purchase ground buffalo which makes a spectacular hamburger. You can also buy other healthy items that will increase your quality of life. Now I do not have a relationship with Sprouts Farmers Market and am only mentioning them because others want quality foods as well and are trying to eat healthy and want an alternative to Whole Foods which is also another store that I frequent from time to time.

I believe in providing solutions since we hear a lot of talk about Whole Foods and some of their quote-on-quote harmful food items. The folks that are providing the criticism don’t own a grocery store chain of their own, and aren’t certified nutritionists, and don’t know enough about the chemical reactions of food to be qualified to make a credible statement, and they also aren’t providing any solutions.

Criticism without a solution is the sign of an uneducated mind.

Tonight’s show will deal with demonically possessed animals which is a subject that I touched on, on my blog. Animals are just as susceptible to demonic possession as humans are, and there are countless numbers of animal attacks that have taken place. For example, a baby boy in Southern California was left alone when two dogs that were acting in concert went inside his diaper and chewed off his testicles. Now ladies and gentlemen this is not happenstance because you see there are certain human hating demons that are roaming our planet and that possess people and animals. Why didn’t these dogs attack the baby’s bare arms and legs or hands and feet? Why are the animal attacks that are associated with demonic possession always centered on the genitals of the baby or adult in some cases? Certain demons seriously dislike humans and want to bring about our end and will attack the genitals of a baby to prevent another human life from entering the world and this is why the possessed animal attacks the genitals. If animals don’t realize what they’re doing as some would claim then why not attack the nearest appendage that’s available. Why go inside the baby’s diaper? And why attack in concert if there’s no outside influence?

You see “The Symbiotosaur” which is an amalgamation of the mainstream media and the fascist pseudo alternative media are purposely covering up what’s happening, but I’m here to tell you that demons really exist and that your children could be in danger if left alone. Recently there was another animal attack that I provided a link for on my blog and this animal attack involved a monkey at a Chinese zoo. Now mind you these monkeys are fed three times a day, which makes the attack even more puzzling to those that don’t realize that demons exist, and to those that do not have or possess paranormal insight. A woman was changing her son’s diaper when a monkey suddenly bit off one of his testicles and when a male bystander picked the severed testicle up the monkey grabbed it out of his hand and devoured it. Again this is not happenstance. I’m highlighting these stories because a number of people don’t understand the danger that some animals pose and simply believe that all animals are created equal. Well they don’t understand that demons possess certain animals.

There are certain things that you need to know about the animals that we share the planet with and about their possessibility. For example, African Americans by and large will not leave their babies alone with a cat, and for good reason I might add, because you see African Americans are aware that certain cats will purposely smother an infant or a small child and this is why you cannot leave the child alone. Countless numbers of babies have been purposely smothered by these cats and I’ve walked in on a demonically possessed cat that was trying to suck the breath out of a baby that was defenseless. Once I chased the cat away she had the nerve to bristle at me since I stopped her from killing an innocent child. These incidents happen all the time and the foolish call it an accident, but cats have been killing babies for thousands of years and this knowledge goes all the way back to Africa. Cats are routinely possessed and have been seen to run up the wall and onto the ceiling without falling. What normal cat does this? Cats will purposely obstruct the airway of a child and they will sit in the corner of the room while the parent desperately tries to revive the child knowing all alone that they played a part of the child’s death. Certain demons exist for the sole purpose of destroying human beings and dogs have pushed their masters to their death after becoming possessed. These dogs exhibited peculiar behavior such as loss of appetite and stalking behavior and angrily barking at their male or female master’s genital as if they wanted to destroy them.

This is something that you will not hear in the mainstream media and that you will also not hear in the fascist pseudo alternative media.

In addition to what I’ve already stated a baby girl that was left alone with a dog that was possessed had her genitals completely destroyed and can never participate in the process of bringing another human being into the world. The foolish will say it was just a freak accident. Well, why not bite the closest thing to you instead of going inside the baby’s diaper? Demons hate humans and want to destroy us and this is one of the reasons that they possess animals. Again demons hate humans and want to destroy us and this is one of the reasons that they possess animals.

Another incident involved a woman that arrived home with her kids after purchasing food at a local fast food chain and five demonically possessed dogs appeared out of nowhere and they began to surround the woman and wouldn’t leave her alone until she threw the food outside the window. Well this might not sound too menacing except the dogs had never been seen in the neighborhood before and the woman had spent her last and one of the dogs communicated with the woman using mental telepathy and advised her if she didn’t hand over the food then they would break inside the car and kill her infant son. This woman is not schizophrenic and neither is she the victim of “Electronic Harassment” which is something that I mentioned to George Noory prior to Alex Jones having a guest on his show that talked about the very same subject. I mentioned the subject to George Noory since I thought that he could possibly accept the truth, however, I’m not so sure anymore since he’s Alternative Media and since I’m Centrist Media.  John B. Wells and George Knapp also received the very same information and George Noory seemed a bit surprised last night when a woman came on the line and used the phrase “Electronic Harassment.” George there are no coincidences.

Lyceum Of The Wolfe Radio Is available twenty four hours a day and seven days a week and I’m fully dedicated to delivering more and more Paranormal History 101W lessons since they allow the listening and reading audience to peer into The Forbidden (P) Files of Human History which indeed reveal “The Global Paranormal Truth.”

Now before I move onto the next topic I ask the “Freak Accident Claimers” that are fond of excusing animal behavior. What possesses an animal to attack the genitals of an infant? My answer is that it is a ruthless human hating demon that’s controlling the thoughts of the animal and that has possessed it and that this is why it is not safe for children to be around certain animals. To the “Freak Accident Claimers” and to the Skeptibirds (i.e., skeptics) and to the Naybirds (e.g., naysayers) I also ask why the most loving animals purposely attack the genitals of infants if they don’t know what they’re doing as many claim? Why not attack the arm or the leg or why attack at all when the child can’t possibly do anything to you? Why is it specifically the genitals and why is more than one animal involved? Open your minds. This is not happenstance.

1980s Revisited

Now for most of you this will come as a complete shock either because you’re too young or because you’re simply not aware of the facts of the past. During the 80s there was much talk about and concern about drones and military personnel were guarding bases with guns that didn’t have any ammunition and they were also ordered to go on unarmed patrols in certain combat areas. Plus the NSA was a hot topic during the 80s and vaccines and additives that are harmful and that cause cancer and other debilitating diseases were also being talked about. The economy wasn’t doing that well and people feared a nuclear strike from the Russians and there were explosions in technology an alternative life styles were being promoted and there were gruesome mass shootings and police scandals and widespread drug use. All of the concerns of the past have been brought before the new generation. Ladies and gentlemen this is a rerun and only the truly enlightened can understand the gravity of my statement. Who sets the agenda for men and women to follow? Who creates the talking points? Who’s responsible for the mechanisms of population control like Alex Lucifer Jones whose job it is to get the Southerners in such a frenzy that they become violent only to be destroyed since they can’t possibly win a second Civil War? Who was providing the black radicals and the white radicals with certain details about a worldwide agenda which caused them to take up arms and to fight a war that they couldn’t possibly win since they didn’t have the numbers?

It’s the same culprits folks.

Now whether you want to believe it or not there’s a supernatural component to all that were are collectively witnessing and “The Ruling” of Anglo Saxons and Nazis are indeed pulling the metaphysical strings behind the scenes if you can understand what I’m trying to convey to you. Richard C. Hoagland is the one sane voice that didn’t get upset about the “Snowden Revelation” because you see he remembers what was happening during the 1980s when there was much talk and concern about the NSA.

Debates over gun control are nothing new, and the things that certain uneducated radio host from the great state of Texas are talking about aren’t anything new either, and these misguided radio hosts are just too foolish to understand that they’ve been purposely selected as a mechanism of population control since the unsuspecting racist Southerners would not listen to a Northerner like me if I were bringing the very same information since I don’t share their ideas or skin tone. These Southerners are flirting with disaster because they don’t understand that the person that they’re listening to is a nothing more than a modern day Jim Jones who’s going to flee to the North if they’re foolish enough to start another Civil War based on what this uneducated radio host is telling them. America must remain united and the Southerner must fall in line and must not allow his or herself to be deceived by Alex Lucifer Jones because he’s nothing more than an elaborate psyop that’s designed to fool the unwashed masses that don’t know history. I told you that the Wright Brothers weren’t the first to achieve flight, however, the AMERICAN HISTORY BOOKS, which are in many respects MIND CONTROL, told you that they were even though THE GLOBAL HISTORICAL RECORD shows that an Ancient Greek and a Frenchman achieved flight well before the Wright Brothers, so who’s gaming you?

When you decide to listen to someone like Alex Jones you have to understand that there is something supernatural at work here and that documents just don’t fall into the hands of people for no reason. You see the documents about a worldwide agenda fell into the hands of the people in the North that were known as the radicals because a demonic force that is working behind the scenes wished to rile these people up, so that they could be destroyed.  The same thing is happening with the Southerners that are talking about arming themselves and that are upset because the civilized people that run the government want to stem gun violence by instituting gun control. But you see what they’re missing is that there is a demonic presence that wishes to have human beings fighting with one another. And until they realize this they’re always going to be led astray by someone that doesn’t understand that they were purposely selected by an unseen hand. I want to make sure that people understand the dynamic that is at work here because you see if there a no enemies you create them, that is if you have a militaristic mind that causes you to crave death and destruction. Simply put you exploit the “Conflict Theory” and you pick an uneducated unsuspecting imbecile to carry out your marching orders and you help him or her behind the scenes without them knowing about it, so they can think that they actually built something that you conceived and brought to fruition. Then after the uneducated agent of disinformation who isn’t smart enough to understand that he or she has been purposely selected as an unconscious agent has outlived his or her use, you either drive them insane or neutralize them since they will be none the wiser.

The racist Southerners that claim that they’re ready to fight, should realize that Alex Jones has stated on his radio show that he’s thinking about possibly moving to Northern, California. You don’t get any further away from the South than Northern, California. I have family in Northern, California and my mother owns property in Northern, California and I used to take summer trips up there as a kid and have milked a cow, fished, and hunted and done all of the things that Alex Jones and his merry band of Texans are fond of bragging about, however, I’m also college educated and can tackle plumbing situations as well as automotive needs and electrical needs and have flown Cessnas and pride myself on education and will never stop learning since milking cows and fishing and hunting is the same thing that prehistoric man did, and that some of them never stopped doing until they passed away. Some of the aforementioned livestock herders that milked cows and that fished and that hunted never progressed, however, Intellectual Evolution is the only true evolution and those that cannot progress intellectually are the children of prehistoric man.

The Dimension of The Damned

Ladies and gentlemen as I stated on Twitter, CRACK and METH are portals to The Dimension of The Damned and once the demons that are known as CRACK and METH enter you mind and body it will take divine intervention to free your soul. When a person starts using CRACK and METH they open themselves up to the demonic realm and the demons that enter their minds have them up all night and they cause them to throw their children out the window since these demons hate humanity. This is real folks. They also cause a group of METH addicted individuals including the girl’s mother to laugh at the fact that a rat chewed off all of the infants toes while they were getting high in a rat infested house. The users of CRACK and METH or CRYSTAL METH OR SPEED constantly hear the voices of the demons that inhabit The Dimension of The Damned and they cannot get away from them and commit all manner of crimes to support their habit. Lamar Odom is the latest high profile victim to fall prey to the same demons that have destroyed millions and if you read my book called The Playground then you will see exactly what CRACK accomplished once it was unleashed on an unsuspecting black population because big and small alike fell victim. You will also come to understand that the guiding hand that’s behind it is supernatural and you will also understand why these individuals that came into contact with CRACK can’t escape in many cases. The demons are always with them even if they stop smoking the drug or using the drug and the desire to destroy one’s flesh is always present since the demons that inhabit The Dimension of The Damned wish to bring about the total destruction of the human being that comes under their control through the portal that is opened up once the individual starts using CRACK or METH or ECSTASY.

You’re not going to hear this is the mainstream media and the fascist pseudo alternative media giants also aren’t going to touch this subject.

The demons take over their bodies and cause them to do things that they don’t even remember and that they’re quite often arrested for, however, the demons laughs at them as they’re serving life sentences or a death sentence, so all I can say is humans beware because The Dimension of The Damned does indeed exist and illicit drugs as well as certain pharmaceutical drugs are portals to The Dimension of The Damned and this is the very reason why demons are able to enter the minds of certain individuals and to cause them to commit suicide or to go on shooting sprees and to become monsters like Jim Jones. You see the demons and devils in some cases find a way to get in and the quickest way for them to enter a person’s mind is through drugs.

Now I’m not condemning anyone that uses drugs. What I’m simply stating to you is that this is how the demons get in because anytime a mother can sit there and laugh at the fact that a rat has bitten off all of her daughter’s toes, you know that something is wrong. This person is not mentally ill. It is the demons that have entered her mind through drug use and through alcohol use because some people that drink a lot are able to see certain things and they’re ruled by demons. A lot of the drive-by-shootings that you hear about are the result of drug use and alcohol use as well as “Electronic Harassment” because some of these gang members hear voices because someone is targeting their particular neighborhood with an electronic device that’s putting voices in their heads and that’s telling them to kill. Elementary school kids are also experiencing this “Electronic Harassment.” In addition, the “Electronic Harassment” has to do with elementary school children walking down the street and someone coming by and blowing a horn at them and waving at them and this same thing happens to adults and they are seeing these things and experiencing them everywhere they go and these people seem to be able to follow them and to find them wherever they are. They also try to convince the elementary school children and adults that they know them when they don’t. Sometimes the children are alone or with others and the people will drive by and start blowing a horn at them and waving at them. I talked to a Caucasian gentlemen that was the victim of “Electronic Harassment” and he had black cars that were following him and white people that he didn’t know blowing a horn at him and waving at him and it had been happening ever since he was a kid and he was hearing voices and my advice to him was to ignore those voices. The reason that I know that this is not demonic oppression in his case is because the voices were coming into his head after he experienced something like someone turning the dial on a radio and a frequency breaking in. When demons come into the person’s mind they don’t experience that. It isn’t like someone manually tuning an analog radio. If you’re familiar with the sound that an analog radio makes before it reaches the correct station then you’re familiar with what some of the people are experiencing prior to the voices entering their heads due to “Electronic Harassment.”

A person that experiences “Electronic Harassment” will in many cases experience the sensation of an analog radio trying to find the correct frequency and some will experience a mechanical feeling without the analog radio frequency experience prior to the voices speaking. The voices are human voices and they are not demonic voices which are completely different. Demonic voices cause the person to vibrate since they are a higher frequency. You will know a demonic voice when you hear it because there’s power and deceit and anger and cruelty and unhappiness and torment and mischief behind it as well as a number of other things that “Electronic Harassment” cannot make you experience. The recipient of “Electronic Harassment” will be agitated, however, it’s different with demons because they will come into the person’s mind without the electronic interaction and they will speak directly to the victim. The victim will be able to tell that the voice is coming from the inside out. Plus the person that is possessed by the demon will have the feeling of being surrounded or the feeling of someone standing behind them. So you see “Electronic Harassment” is far different from demonic oppression as well as demonic possession.

When I called the Alex Jones show on 09/19/2013, I was asked by his male Caucasian call screener how I was listening to the show and what I wanted to talk about? I explained that I was listening through the internet and that I wanted to talk about the D.C. Shooting which is the very same topic that Alex was discussing and that I had sent him an email about and that I had also mentioned to George Noory and to John B. Wells and to George Knapp. Needless to say Alex Jones’ cowardly call screener hung up since he knew that it was me. One of the questions that I wanted to ask Mr. Alex Jones on the air is why he becomes so fearful when someone starts talking about “Electronic Harassment?” I know why, but will Alex Jones answer the question truthfully is the question?

You see a lot of people that are in alternative radio are hearing voices because they are the victims of “Electronic Harassment” and some of them are the victims of demonic possession or demonic oppression since they are dealing with certain subjects of a paranormal nature. I am not involved in alternative media. I am Centrist Media. There’s a big difference. I am not listener supported and neither am I the recipient of advertising funds. You see when a person starts accepting money from either advertisers or from listeners they don’t realize what they’re doing. They’re opening themselves up and it’s not that the people that are giving the money necessarily have bad intentions it’s the fact that you have a lot of sentient creatures focusing on you and since demons want to destroy the best of us they will start to oppress these people and sometimes you will hear of them doing weird things like taking off all their clothes and running around at night and making a fool out of themselves. The same thing happens to a lot of the pop stars that are involved in drugs. What you are witnessing is demonic oppression or demonic possession because they have been worn down because the drugs have opened them up to The Dimension of The Damned. I try to explain in my book by giving you a fictionalized account of what happened, what was indeed accomplished once crack cocaine came on the scene. And when you see the level of violence and the attitudes of the people that are involved in the story, which is based on real events, you will realize that the gates of hell were opened up when this particular drug hit the streets. The same thing happened with METH and you cannot imagine some of the horrible things that people have done while hooked on METH and it is because a demon is inside them and has taken control of their body and is using their body to commit crimes, so one should be aware of the dangerous of effects of using drugs and if you want to read an action packed true to life urban drama that reveals the harsh reality of the drug world and gang banging and what happened when CRACK was unleashed on the streets, then you will want to read The Playground because it exposes everything that the mainstream media and that the fascist pseudo alternative media won’t.   

I guarantee that you will conclude that the truth has been kept from you and that magic still rules the world as I point out in my book.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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