Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Seven

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 07/05/2012

I Describe What I Did On The 4TH of July

In this episode I start the program off by talking about spending time with my family out in La Puente California.

From Skeptic to Acknowledger

I describe how I used to be a skeptic and what caused me to change my mind. I also explain how skeptics are speaking from a position of ignorance since they have not experienced the phenomena for themselves. In addition, I explain that skeptics are emotionally damaged and that they crave confrontation; and throughout the first part of this episode you’ll also hear me mention how I originally tried to convince myself that the paranormal activity wasn’t happening, and how science cannot explain the phenomena.

An Encounter With A Supernatural Entity That Took Place In Whittier California

You’ll hear exactly what led up to the creature invading my home as well as the steps that I had innocently taken earlier in the day and that almost cost me my life. You’ll also hear that a bible passage came into my mind and how the creature came through my window while I was sleeping and how I was placed in a position of observation as well as the dialogue that ensued between my spirit and the supernatural creature that was outraged that I had unknowingly disturbed it. I invite you to listen to a description of the creature in addition to an account of its departure. Plus I provide some very important information about the paranormal creatures that you need to know because it can help you defend yourself against them since they are bothered by a certain thing that currently exists in our realm and that could prove disastrous if there were ever a widespread and prolonged power outage.

The Creature That Caused The Crows To Scream

I was innocently lying in bed on a summer night when the crows around my home started yelling at two thirty in the morning, and they were signaling to the other crows that were in the adjacent trees, and as I looked out the window to see what was causing the ruckus, I saw a reddish brown creature that was approximately three and a half to four feet tall and it had the whitest teeth that I had ever seen. This was not a baby because no baby would be out at 2:30AM. Listen to the full description of the paranormal entity.

A Brush With Death

I explain the brush with death that I had and what steps I had to take in order to survive. I was completely submerged in water and it was like walking on your hands with someone holding your feet. I was trapped inside a vehicle.

The Gas That Mysteriously Covered My Apartment

A thought suddenly came inside my head and it said turn on the lights which would have caused me to be blown to Kingdom come. I did not leave the gas on and prior to disaster striking something held my hand down and my mother’s voice appeared inside my head and it said you had better air this place out. My mother knew nothing about her voice lending a helping hand and she has advised me that there have also been times when she has heard my voice like when she’s about to oversleep while on her lunch break. We have been miles and miles apart when this has happened and we have no rational explanation for its mysterious occurrence.

Other Paranormal Experiences

An eerie light appeared inside my home and it took off once I woke up. I was lying in bed while vacationing in Arizona when two Caucasian spirits woke me up. They were looking for directions to a place that I had never heard of. The spirits were male and female and they seemed to be a married couple although they didn’t mouth the words. Another set of Caucasian spirits woke me up at home and they were looking for something that was hidden. The female spirit said that they knew me and she threatened to harm me if I didn’t tell them where the item was hidden. Now besides the encounters with these two sets of spirits I also explain what really happens while we’re sleeping. You’ll learn something that will be eternally valuable because we do indeed have friends and associates in other dimensions or realms.

 I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the show.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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