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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Thirty Five

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 01/26/2014

Crop Circles

This is episode 35 and today is 01/26/2014 and I would like to start tonight’s program off by stating that Lyceum Of The Wolfe Radio is available twenty four hours a day and seven days week, so please feel free to listen to the various Paranormal History 101W lessons that have been taken directly from The Forbidden P Files of Human History.

Now let me get started by stating that the “Intellectual Revolution” continues since many have yet to wake up to the purposeful lies that are being told by the historical media (i.e., the hysterical media) which is none other than the boldfaced, double talking, bribe accepting mainstream media itself because you see this particular group refuses to ask the tough questions of some while crushing others in the court of public opinion.

For example, they will openly laugh at a group of “White Citizens” that are desperately trying to report their paradigm shifting encounter with a UFO or with an Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft, however, they will allow a tech company to openly state that they created a crop circle without demanding that they show proof that they actually created the crop circle in question. The hysterical media also won’t bring up the dirty little term “Unlawful Private Property Damage” since these crop circles are quite often created in private fields, which makes it impossible for the owner of the crops to sell their harvest since their privately owned crops have been damaged. Why won’t the representatives of the hysterical media require the tech company or an individual crop circle hoaxer to duplicate their actions on live television instead of reporting it as fact without any evidence of any kind? Why not invite the real representatives of the real alternative media to also stream live footage of the tech company duplicating their so called crop circle formation? If they did it once surely they can do it again and in front of a live audience.

The truth is that the hysterical media is covering up the fact that the aliens or the gods are the ones that are creating these crop circles, and since they’re deliberately covering up the truth, the ordinary citizen will never come to understand the true meaning of the crop circles, which is that the earth itself is only on loan to the humans since “The Creator Gods” can come and go as they please and since they can end mankind’s existence on the earth if they should so please.

Ladies and gentlemen as I stated on Twitter if you deface my private property it’s a criminal offense, however, the hysterical media parades these individuals in front of the camera and no one ever goes to jail for damaging private property. Now why is that? It’s because the news stories are false to begin with and the so called crop circle makers are a part of the cover up because if they had really damaged someone’s private property then why aren’t the police arresting them for trespassing and for the unlawful damage of someone else’s private property, and why aren’t they being required to pay restitution to the owner of the crops that were damaged if they are indeed the true perpetrators?

Don’t be deceived because what you’re witnessing is legerdemain. Yes. You are being deceived because there are certain aspects to a crop circle that cannot be duplicated. For example, if I step into a crop circle and experience an electrical signature that is not human it stands to reason that a human didn’t create the crop circle. Furthermore, if I go from a seated position to a standing position without any external stimuli then it stands to reason that there is a force that’s at work within the crop circle. Now when I speak about going from a seated position to a standing position those in the medical profession will understand this to mean instant blood flow. No human made crop circle can cause such a reaction to occur within a fully functioning male.

In addition, to what I already stated some have experienced instant healing while standing inside a crop circle, which is to stay that a condition that they had no longer existed once they entered the crop circle. For example, I had a persistent backache which went away once I stepped inside a crop circle. Plus there was a sensation that was felt from my head to my toes and it was absolutely divine. I am a real paranormal experiencer and can tell you that certain individuals have been sitting in their garden or in their backyard or in their front yard when a beam of light has suddenly descended from the sky prior to forming the crop circle right before their eyes, so don’t listen to the kind of ridiculous garbage that’s being forced into you heads by those that get paid to deceive you since they’re part of the elaborate apparatus that has been designed by “The Ruling Class” of pill popping demonically possessed Anglo Saxons and Nazis.  These individuals want to tell you what to think when it comes to the Extraterrestrials and when it comes to crop circles and UFOs and just about everything else.

As an individual you must be smart enough to realize that you’re being purposely deceived. The Chinese have already woken up and are therefore refusing to reduce the population by restricting how many children a couple can have. Did you know that “The Ruling Class” of pill popping demonically possessed Anglo Saxons and Nazis were the ones to tell the Chinese to institute the policy of one child while they were free to have as many children as they wanted? These individuals are in cahoots with the gods that want to bring about population control and they don’t want you to find out the truth about the Extraterrestrials because they know that you have the power within in yourselves to bring about change by simply inviting the gods to come to your planet since this world belongs to the 99% much more than it belongs to the 1% who reign at the pleasure of the 99% since the 1% don’t outnumber the 99%.

If the 99% decide to reject the rules and the regulations of the corrupt 1% who’s going to stop the 99%? The 1% should understand that the sinister gods that they’re in cahoots with will leave them when the going gets tough just like they left Nazi Germany once the 99% rose up in armed righteous indignation.  The gods abandoned the Nazis once it was clear that they were going to lose the war. So the corrupt 1% should take a lesson from the Nazis because the Nazis were the 1% that were defeated during World War II because they had become so haughty that they felt that they could just impose their will on anyone that they wanted, however, they should have learned a lesson from Pericles. You see the Greeks have a lot of rich history and they can teach us much about imposing our will on certain individuals because they were the first to come up with the idea of a preemptive strike, which is what the Nazis did and were punished greatly for doing so. So let us learn a lesson from the past.

The following are Quotes from Pericles.

Human on Human Violence

I mentioned human on human violence during my last live broadcast because I knew that it was coming. You see the savage beating of Kim Pham in Santa Ana, CA. is an example of the kind of human on human violence that I saw occurring in 2014, and one thing that should be readily understood by all, is that there’s going to be more and more human on human violence that will shock the nation like the recent mall shooting. Another thing that I saw in a dream was a return to radicalism that was sparked by the kind of police brutality that occurred in the Kelly Thomas case out in Fullerton California. Ladies and gentlemen I saw armed white men and armed white women leading armed black men and armed black women and armed Hispanic men and armed Hispanic women throughout the continental United States of America and it was absolutely frightening because you see my vision showed a complete breakdown in society and nothing short of a free for all, so if you’re a religious person then now would be the time to start praying because what is not readily understood is the fact that the gods don’t have to become physically involved since they can easily send multiple spirits of defiance to infect the hearts and the minds of the men and women that feel that they have been wronged in some way. Look at what happened to Nazi Germany. They had the technology, however, a spirit of defiance was in the people and the Nazis were sacked when they were deemed to be unbeatable.

One may have the technological advantage; however, if they are overwhelmed by sheer numbers, they can’t possibly win. The Nazis that were in cahoots with “The Sinister Gods” felt that since they were given technology that they would be able to just attack the Russians and that they would get away with it, but they had no idea that all of the people that represented the 99% during World War II would rise up against them and that they would be crushed or that the gods would leave them because you see as I said on a previous episode the Nazis were in cahoots with the gods or with the Extraterrestrials and they were receiving technology from them which is why they felt that they could not be defeated in battle, which was of course a serious miscalculation on their part and if they had looked to Greek history then they would have seen that just because one feels that they are morally correct, it doesn’t mean that they’re going to win.

Just look at the example of Sparta and if you really want to understand warfare and how things play out in history then just read about the Peloponnesian War.

One thing I can tell you is that if the Ancient Greeks were around today they would be saddened by the state of Greece and by the fact that the men have allowed themselves to be raped spiritually and mentally and financially. It’s a sad state of affairs there in Greece.

When I say remember Sparta what I mean is remember that the Spartans stood up to the Athenian tyrants of the day that wanted to subjugate them, and that they did so even though they didn’t have the military might.

For those that don’t know. The Spartans won.

Visiting Deities and Spirits

Ladies and gentlemen when you’re a real paranormal experiencer like myself various deities will enter your bedroom while you’re sleeping, and once you awaken to their presence, they will leave since they were only checking on you since those in the other realms know who you are and why you were sent to the planet earth. You see our earthly names are not our only names and this is why certain deities seek us out and this is also why certain spirits are visiting us since they have known us in past lives. So don’t be deceived into thinking that all you are is what you see in the mirror because we are far more than what we see in the mirror because the flesh is just a vehicle. It’s just something to allow us to experience the physical world since we are indeed spiritual beings, and that’s why one should never think that death is the end of all things, for death is simply the beginning, and once you understand that death is simply the beginning, then you will begin to understand that your body that you’re in right now is not the essences of your being because you are a spiritual being that will never die.

 Mystery Languages

One of the things that I will share with you during this broadcast is the mystery of people waking up and speaking a foreign language that wasn’t known by the essence of their earthly name. You see the person connected with one of their past lives while in a state of deep unconsciousness (i.e. spirit travel) and when they came back from the other realm that they had lived in, they brought the language back with them and didn’t recognize their wife or their kids since none of these people had existed in the realm where the other language was spoken and where they had a different name that was associated with the language that was being spoken and that they brought back with them. If you rely on the scientists to try to explain why someone that never spoke a certain language suddenly woke up speaking that language you’ll never get it. You’ll never get the truth because the truth lies within the paranormal, and since they are not paranormal investigators or paranormal experiencers, which means that they have a window into the other realms, and that the gods or the Extraterrestrials or the spirits or the demons or the devils or the angels are visiting them, and that they can send them messages, you’ll never understand because our science is limited as I’ve stated many times before.

The True Theater Of The Mind

Now you have certainly heard that radio is the theater of the mind, however, let me enlighten you. You see the gods created the written word because it is indeed the only true theater of the mind because you see the mind is a miniature production company because the reader of the written word must form the pictures and the scenes all by his or herself without any of the special effects that one often hears over the radio and that one also observes while watching a movie. You see the reader of the written word that was created by the gods as a form of entertainment and as a form of education must make the music that he or she hears inside their mind after reading the written word. The reader must also create the characters as well as the various voices for the characters that appear inside his or her mind and the reader must also create the trees and the birds and the sidewalks without hearing a guiding voice that’s coming over the radio and that’s giving them instructions about what to form inside their mind. The trees will be as tall as the reader imagines them to be and the boys and girls in the scene that the reader is creating will have the voices that he or she determines, which is far different from hearing Charlie Brown’s voice inside your head while listening to the radio since Charlie Brown’s voice has come from the theater that was produced inside someone else’s mind. The written word is the only true theater of the mind because there are no visual aids or guides or guiding voices. The reader is responsible for the production of the movie that plays out inside his or her head. This is the theater of the mind since you are not being influenced by external stimuli. For example, if the person that’s speaking over the radio uses an angry voice the character that forms inside your mind will be angry, however, if you read the written word you will decide whether or not the character is angry or how angry he or she will be since the production is left entirely up to you.

Theater of the mind occurs between the reader and the written word and does not involve any external stimuli such as radios or televisions or orators.

The theater of the mind is not radio because you are being influenced by the person that’s speaking.

When you read something and you form the scenes inside your mind without any external stimuli; that is the true theater of the mind because you are in control of everything. You see I provide transcripts of my radio broadcast, so that the readers can read the written word and then produce the movie or the picture inside their mind because this is the true theater of the mind.

You see before anything was created the gods formed the scenes inside their minds, which is where the theater of the mind really lies. And since they did this they created human beings with the same capacity, so when we read a cuneiform text, it is left up to us to develop the scenes, so that we can understand what is being written. If you read something that says this person was angry, you will determine how angry the individual is since it is left entirely up to you to build the picture inside your mind.

I can listen to someone speaking over the radio and the thoughts that will come inside my head will be greatly influenced by the things that they’re doing in the background. For example, if they’re yelling and screaming then the person that they happen to be describing or the situation will have that type of tone, however, if I don’t listen to their program and I read a transcript of it then I am in full control of the pictures that form inside my mind because I’m not listening to any background music that they may be playing. I’m also not listening to any voice imitations that they might be delivering. This is true theater of the mind. It is not radio. It is the written word.

You see if a child reads a horror story and his or her classmates read the same horror story and are not as freaked out. It is because of the images that they formed inside their minds. This is true theater of the mind because if they were listening to someone talking over the radio and they were using really smooth and quiet voices then it wouldn’t be so scary to them, but because the child read the written word and formed his or her own scenes within his or her mind without any external stimuli; this is why the children felt the way that they did. It is also why their classmates were not as freaked out because they determined the level of scariness that would occur inside their minds since they realized that they are in full control.

I wanted to take the time to explain what the true theater of the mind is because it is not radio because the listener is influenced by the person that’s speaking.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Thirty Two

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 10/26/2013

Extraterrestrial Kidnappings

This evening I will be bringing you another Paranormal History 101W lesson that is taken directly from The Forbidden P Files of Human History, and I intend to discuss the Extraterrestrial kidnappings that have been taking place for as long as anyone can remember. These Extraterrestrial kidnappings that are being purposely covered up by the ruthless powers that be and by the mainstream media and by the fascist pseudo alternative media have always involved people from very different walks of life, however, “The Symbiotosaur,” which I have previously described as the amalgamation of the mainstream media and the fascist pseudo alternative media, have been engaged in a wide ranging cover up that has consisted of concealing the fact that the victims of these dastardly Extraterrestrial kidnappings, that have been taking place without respite, are often never returned and if they are, many of them can no longer function in our world due to the things that they’ve seen, for they have peered into the very realm of the gods and it has left them shaken and unable to cope even though many of them have been given the strongest psychotropic drugs that man has to offer, which should tell you that these beings are far more advanced than anyone is willing to admit since our scientists cannot help the individuals that have been permanently damaged by their uncanny encounter with the gods that are affectionately known as the Extraterrestrials.

Children and adults alike have been going about their usual business when a spacecraft suddenly appears out of nowhere or when a sinister or friendly Extraterrestrial being suddenly appears on the scene prior to taking them against their will since our concept of a free will means absolutely nothing to those that are engaged in kidnapping human beings for any number of reasons. Simply saying be gone and you can’t do this or that has no appreciable value for the Extraterrestrials because you see they will simply do whatever they please since they have the technology as well as the status. Thousands of men and women are the victims of Extraterrestrial kidnappings despite the obvious cover up.

Now I mentioned that the gods are affectionately known as the Extraterrestrials because this is what many cultures call them.

Extraterrestrials is something knew that human beings have come up with to describe that which is not of this world, but the ancients have always described these visitors or these being as the gods, and you can look at all of the ancient holy text and you will find numerous accounts of human beings dealing with these gods that we are now calling Extraterrestrials or aliens. These particular entities or beings or creatures have existed for far longer than any of us have been alive and for far longer than our so called advanced species wants to admit because as I have stated on many different occasions there are drawings that show the Extraterrestrial beings that have been coming here and that have been kidnapping human beings. On different occasions I have talked about the African woman (Kolo region of Tanzania) that was surrounded by a group of Extraterrestrials, and what should be understood is that the witnesses thought it important to capture the incident in art form and that’s the reason why we have these African cave paintings. Others that have had encounters with these beings in ancient times have also recorded their experiences in text form and also in art form and we are no different in this modern age because we are capturing our encounters in audio form and we are also capturing them in photographs as well as in text and that’s the reason that we’re writing about them. Some of us are also drawing or painting pictures of the beings that we have seen along with their space crafts, so we are not doing anything different than those that lived thousands and possibly even millions of years before us, but since we would like to claim that we are the only advanced species despite the archaeological evidence and anthropological evidence, we try to dismiss the fact that these intelligent human beings, that lived long before we even came on the scene, had these encounters and that they recorded them for future generations. However the people that exist in our time and that have control over information are trying to conceal the fact that these visitors are here and that they are engaged in Extraterrestrial kidnappings. They will not admit that people all around the world and here in the United States of America and in the United Kingdom and throughout the entire western world are being taken. They will not admit it because the simple fact is that they being “The Authority” are engaged in an all-out information war with the Extraterrestrial beings because they say that the Extraterrestrials do not exist and that you are not seeing those space crafts that are in the sky and that you are not seeing those Extraterrestrial beings that are coming upon you in unawares. But the Extraterrestrials are saying we do exist. These space crafts are real and we are matter based and this is the reason that we are interacting with you, and the fact that we have a different electrical signature, is the reason that you feel like you’re being electrocuted and like you want to jump out of your skin. Do not listen to those that are giving you information that says that we do not exist because we are here to tell you that we do and this is why we are in your face and we will do whatever we please with you because we have the technology and because we have the status as higher beings, and your media personalities and leaders cannot stop us because they do not have the technological advantage despite everything that you’re being told by those that have been tapped to wage the information war against the beings that are engaged in their own information war and that are giving you tangible evidence by implanting you with tracking devices also known as implants and by taking you from different states and dropping you off and by taking items that belong to you and placing them inside someone’s vehicle without setting off the alarm and without unlocking the vehicle.

You see the powers that be…they will not admit that they are engaged in an all-out information war or that part of this information war has a military aspect to it or that they have been fighting against these creatures that have killed a lot of humans or that in many respects they are losing the battle because the more information that they send out that suggests that the Extraterrestrials don’t exist the more frequent the visitations and the aerial sights become. There are certain areas where the Extraterrestrials are blanketing the skies and where people are coming up missing left and right.

Police officers who are supposed to be more credible than ordinary citizens because of their position are being ridiculed for coming forth and saying these things exist. We see them. They are in the sky. They are being ridiculed. Why? It is because they are going against the status quo? The status quo is to deny the existence of the Extraterrestrials and to paint anyone that says that they have seen these beings or their space craft as nutcases. Well, I’m here to tell you that these people are not insane and that those that are trying to tell you that these beings do not exist are afraid. They are afraid of losing control and they are losing the information war because they do not have the technological advantage. The Extraterrestrials will continue to bombard us with their space craft and with their up close and personal contact and there’s nothing that anyone can do about it.

Now when I was a child a man walked outside his front door and he was abruptly snatched up into the sky as he was saying goodbye to his wife, and his wife had to be sedated and was later committed to a mental institution since the spacecraft that took her husband as well as the beings that were inside was just too much to bear since she had been told that nothing had existed inside the vast universe except us humans. Well, she learned through tragedy that those in power have been lying to us since some of them are just as afraid of these creatures as the ordinary citizens are. The preacher that presided over the congregation that the man belonged to couldn’t dismiss what had happened to one of the members of his church, so he said that it was the work of the devil and that the beings were demons that had invaded our world and that hope of ever seeing Paul again was remote since the creatures that took him had given no indication that they would return him unharmed.

No one knows for sure what happens to the humans that are not returned or whether their aging process stops once they are taken into another dimension, but the Extraterrestrials that have taken them know the answer because otherwise they wouldn’t have taken the humans if they were going to expire as soon as they departed the earth. They must be alive in some shape or form, however, we have no way of verifying this until we shed our earthly bodies and gain the ability to travel to the other dimensions. Children are often kidnapped with their pets and some adults are kidnapped while their pets are left behind like the Las Vegas Nevada incidents.

It’s a mystery that no one has been able to solve.

Women have walked into the kitchen to prepare a meal for their family and the husband and children have suddenly heard the pots hitting the floor and when they rush into the kitchen to see what has happened the woman is nowhere to be found since she was taken to another dimension by the Extraterrestrials that kidnapped her. Can you imagine walking through the park at a young age and seeing children and adults vanishing into thin air? Can you imagine coming outside and finding the car running and your husband and children gone without a trace? Americans and others are experiencing this very thing. Plus people are hiking when one of their fellow hikers suddenly disappears. In addition, workers in Mexico are coming up missing after working in the fields and if you think that this is surprising well think again because many slaves that were forced to pick cotton came up missing and some of them vanished right before the slave master’s eyes which sent chills up his or her spine since they couldn’t explain what had happened.

This Extraterrestrial business is nothing new. The only thing that’s new is the willful cover up and the unjust painting of those that see these beings and their space crafts as crazy. I have seen Extraterrestrial beings and their space crafts and I have an IQ of 180 and I am nowhere near the definition of clinically insane, however, those that are pointing the finger and that are trying to convince you that these things do not exist are taking psychotropic drugs and they are seeing patients and they are trying to tell those patients that they are insane when the patient comes to them without being under the influence of medication. The person that is making the diagnosis is under the effects of the medication since the psychiatrists and the psychologists are often taking powerful psychotropic drugs even though they won’t admit it. Some of them will admit it to their patients and they will say well since I’m taking this I want to give it to you and the patient revering their societal status will say okay sure I’ll take it without stopping to think is this person really the best qualified person to diagnose me when they’re under the care of a psychiatrist or a psychologist themselves and when they’re on drugs? Just because the drug is legal doesn’t mean that it will not alter the person’s state of mind like an illicit drug because they all come from the earth in the end because the scientists cannot create anything out of Ex nihilo which means out of nothing. Everything that they create has an origin here on the earth, so they are not as powerful as they claim because if they were then they could just make things appear out of thin air like the gods. The gods are revered because of the things that they can do. Human beings are revered because they are able to manipulate the things that the gods have made and because they have applied themselves to study.

Now we are a told to revere those that have abilities that ordinary citizens don’t. Well, I am a writer and I wrote a novel that is 403,280 words and I will always have the status of being an author as well as a radio host and a paranormal investigator. Not everyone can write a book of this magnitude and not everyone can write a book that’s over 600 words, so how can I be insane?

Now since we are to revere those that have certain statuses in life and that have the ability to do certain things that other human beings cannot, I submit to you that you should come to understand that someone like myself and like others that have the ability to do what others can’t, and that stand out in society, would not be telling you that these things exist if they didn’t.

What do I have to gain from telling you that these beings are out there if they are not? I’m not asking anyone for money. Nor am I accepting funds from advertisers. If I mention something it’s because I find it good personally and feel that others will benefit from the knowledge, but as far as me taking money to say that I like something when I don’t. I don’t do that. My soul has not been corrupted by money, so if I tell you that the Extraterrestrials exist and that their space crafts are out there you can take that to the bank because I would not waste your time or my time telling you something if it were not true.

The world is a mysterious place and the Extraterrestrial kidnappings are taking place in remote as well as in heavily populated areas and the Extraterrestrial Kidnappers themselves are taking pets because citizens have looked away for a split second only to find their beloved pet gone and they know that the pet couldn’t have gotten far since he or she was standing right beside them. So how do you explain something like this? How do you explain a pet vanishing into thin air when it was standing right beside its owner? I’ll tell you something else that you won’t hear mentioned in the mainstream media or in the fascist pseudo alternative media and this is why I don’t have any affiliation with either of them because I’m “Centrist Media” because I don’t take advertising dollars and I am also not listener supported and I’m not government supported or government funded either. I don’t do anything that the fascist pseudo alternative media does or that the mainstream media does, and if truth be told, the fascist pseudo alternative media is patterned after the mainstream media, so what are you really getting when you have those in the fascist pseudo alternative media that are listener supported just like those in the mainstream media that are taking money from ordinary citizens and from advertisers to lie about certain products? How can you really trust what they’re telling you when they’re bought and paid for?

Well, I don’t accept advertising dollars and I don’t take money from listeners because I have not made any way for listeners to send me money because that’s not what I’m here for. I’m here to bring you the pure unadulterated truth about the Extraterrestrials and about the other paranormal creatures that are out there and I will not allow myself to be corrupted by money or by the ideas of men and women that have an agenda and that want to keep you in the dark.

I simply will not do it and never have and never will. I know that some people say never say never, but when you know yourself and when you know what you’re about you can say never. I’m not going to accept any advertising dollars to lie to you about a product that I don’t believe in. I’m not going to do it because I don’t need the money that bad, so you won’t hear that coming from me and if I mention something it’s because I’ve had a personal experience with it.

Now the Extraterrestrial Kidnappers have absolutely no reservations about causing you to experience a mental break or a break with reality and what I mean by that, and what you won’t hear mentioned in the mainstream media, is the fact that some pet owners have had the leash in their hand while their pet was standing right beside them, and they look away for a split second, and all of a sudden they turn around, and their pet is gone never to be seen again. The sad thing is many times the parent has the pet on the leash and the child witnesses a space craft in the air and a beam coming down and then the pet just disappears. The dog is gone.

A cat can be eating or drinking water and the child is looking at it and next thing you know a beam of light comes through the house and the pet is gone and the child will run in there to tell the parent and no one can explain what happened. No one can explain it because it’s a mystery that not even the best scientists can solve, so when someone tries to apply science to the paranormal, I wouldn’t put all of my trust in the scientists or in the electronic equipment that they’re using because the beings that are coming here and that are snatching us are far more advanced and just like we have the ability to turn off cell phones they have the ability to do the same thing and they had the ability long before we even developed a cell phone.

The reason that you can tell that alien technology is involved in all of these technological advances that are quote-on-quote the inventions of man is because when you look at the vacuum tube you will realize how primitive we were. However, we jumped to the microchip when it generally takes human beings about 18 months to develop something, so how can you go from the vacuum tube to the microchip and then to Nano technology? Just think about it. They’ll never admit it, but I know what’s going on

Thousands of kids will disappear during Halloween and they will never be seen again because the Extraterrestrial Kidnappers will come for them just like they came for me when I was a child, however, I was able to evade them by hopping fence since I was being pursued on the grown by something that was not of this world and I tell you the truth when I say that I ran like hell because I knew that what was behind me was not human and had I stuck around to try to investigate I wouldn’t be here. It’s a good thing that I did not subscribe to the nonsense that I was hearing in the mainstream media when they were saying that these things do not exist and when they were ridiculing those that came forth and talked about the Extraterrestrials.

Just look at what happened to Bob Lazar. Look at what they did to him, however, there is evidence that he was there, but the mainstream media will never admit what they’ve done. They won’t admit it, so I say to you that you should consider the fact that not all of us are crazy and that we are here to tell you the truth without any personal gain. At least I’m here for this reason.

The gods (i.e., the Extraterrestrials or the aliens) that I mentioned earlier are here, and they are indeed the very same gods that are known for saying certain things like, “I will smite thee,” and they have smitten many humans, so don’t be fooled by those in the mainstream media or by those in the fascist pseudo alternative media because the real alternative media personalities know better than to lie to you about the Extraterrestrials. (i.e., the gods)

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.


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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Thirty

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 08/24/2013

Two Types Of Demons

Tonight’s show will deal with a number of things, but to start I want to spend some time talking about the two types of demons that humans often encounter. Now there’s a misconception when it comes to who and what demons are. Demons are inter-dimensional beings and they either appear in physical form or they appear as an energy force that possesses a particular individual. Now this may come as a surprise to some of you since most Americans are only familiar with the Hollywood version of demons since this is what they’ve been taught by some of the media savvy paranormal investigators that they were in direct contact within the past century. However, the world is much, much larger than the United States of America and people in the U.S. and all around the world have had certain uncanny experiences with demons that have come in physical form despite what some of the American based paranormal investigators might try to tell you because you see there are numerous males and females that have been attacked by Matter-Based-Demons.

So don’t assume that all demons are the same simply because an American based paranormal investigator, that’s never even ventured into any of the other states in union, tries to convince you that they are because you see paranormal investigators in Africa and in India and in Mexico and in Malaysia and in other parts of the world have dealt with Matter-Based-Demons that have attacked and raped and killed humans. Plus ordinary citizens outside the United States have also reported these vicious attacks and their testimony is just as good as anyone else’s, so we cannot limit ourselves to the erroneous belief that demons are just sources of energy or an energy force that simply possesses a person because you see we’re effectively dealing with two types of demons and to assume that there is only one type of demon is to display a serious lapse in judgment since demons also operate outside human and animal bodies. I have seen the demonic forces that take on physical form and so have others, and I have also seen a number of people that have been possessed by the energy force that I described, so when I say to you that we have two types of demons that we’re dealing with, I’m speaking from personal experience.

Now there are a number of paranormal investigators that have only experienced one type of demon in their life time and they have therefore developed a myopic view of demons based on their limited exposure and based on what happens to be going on in the United States and in the circle that they dwell in and in the areas that they’ve delved into, but the United States is a big place as most of you know and there are things that people of different nationalities have experienced. For example, there are some things that African Americans have experienced that some of their white counterparts may not have experienced and the same thing can be said about Asians as well as Hispanics and Arabs and people from India and from different parts of the world, so we cannot simply limit ourselves to the belief that demons are only energy forces that possess people because this is what Hollywood portrays based on the paranormal investigators that they talked to and that were active during the 70s and the 60s and the 80s.

Ladies and gentlemen the 21st Century has changed the paranormal playing field because you see paranormal investigators like Carmichael Wolfe “The Eclectic Novelist” are now able to bring forth the truth without the approval or the blessing or the consent of certain people in Hollywood who base a lot of their decisions on a person’s physical characteristics, namely the color of the person’s skin. The 21st Century has also made it possible for everyone to learn anything that they want without being subjected to racism and sexism since the teacher cannot see the student in most cases unless they submit themselves to a webcam session. African Americans that are sophisticated enough to follow the lead of the whites that refuse to self-identify, and who specifically mark declined to state on their enrollment application, and that have traditional English names, have greatly benefited from learning online during The 21st Century since the instructor may not know their racial make-up unless they voluntarily provide it. This is why internet based learning is so important since it allows the student to learn without being subjected to the stunting effects of racism. Any man or woman regardless of race or religious creed that wants to learn certain things about the paranormal without being judged for who or what they are, can visit my paranormal blog at any time and they can also listen to my audio files by visiting Lyceum Of The Wolfe Radio.

Now in order to fully understand why you’re still in the dark when it comes to matters of the paranormal you have to realize that some of the people in Hollywood will not take the time to talk to someone that has a certain physical characteristic, and you can call it xenophobia if you will, but the fact is that some of the people in Hollywood have voluntarily limited themselves to individuals that look like them and that talk like them and that dress like them, however, there are other people in the world that are just as important as they are and that are just as important as the ones that they’ve talked to and they have something of value to say as well. These are the people that I’m most interested in listening to and that I’m interested in meeting with because they have a story that definitely needs to be told and I don’t care about their physical appearance or about their gender.

There’s a woman that was viciously attacked by a Matter-Based-Demon and this was not a possession. The demon was inside her bed and she felt the growling and the heavy breathing on the side of her and figuring that she was partially dreaming and half asleep and a little groggy she just brushed it off, but the growling and the heavy breathing became more intense which caused her to become alarmed. Now I say that she felt the growling and the heavy breathing because the demon that was lying next to her was an immensely powerful creature and the act of growling and breathing caused a certain amount of vibration which was felt by the victim because this is what she described, and since I have experienced the same kind of Matter-Based-Demon that causes one to move by speaking or by breathing or by growling in their presence, I knew exactly what she had encountered, however, a paranormal investigator that has never dealt with a demon that takes on physical form wouldn’t be able to comprehend what the victim is talking about and would therefore try to tell her what she did or didn’t experience, which is a clear sign of haughtiness.

Ladies and gentlemen I have experienced certain things of a paranormal or supernatural nature that would give the average man or woman an instant heart attack or that would leave them in a catatonic state, so when I tell you that something is going on, you can take it to the bank because we are not alone in this great big universe and nor have we ever been and some of the men that you think are men are quickly reduced to nothing more than quivering infants when they behold something that’s as terrifying as a Matter-Based-Demon that’s seeking sex and that’s bent on terrorizing us human beings. These demons are both male and female and they mean business just like the demon that I talked about awhile back. She was around in the time of King Solomon and she was strangling men during the night. Her name is Onoskelis.

Now the aforementioned victim eventually opened her eyes and she turned around only to find a pitch black demon lying on the side of her and the demon attacked her with great violence and he pinned her to the bed and he raped her despite her best efforts to get him off of her, and her encounter with the demon would be similar to a one hundred and fifteen pound woman trying to fight off a Silverback Guerrilla. The woman was wearing undergarments at the time and the demon removed those undergarments prior to savagely raping her. This was not a human being that did this. The attacker was an inter-dimensional being or a demon that was matter based and he raped the woman after she woke up only to find this type of creature inside her bed.

There are some paranormal investigators that hold the aforementioned myopic view about demons and that will try to tell you that what happened to this woman is impossible, however, they are mistaken because we as human beings cannot know everything that goes on in the world and no one has a monopoly on the truth, so if this woman tells me that she was raped by a Matter-Based-Demon that I know to exist and she shows me the sensitive parts of her body that were bruised because of the attack, who am I to tell her that she didn’t have this experience or the demonic encounter that obviously left her speechless and that changed her life forever? I know far better than to do something like that because I’ve had personal experience with demons and I know that Matter-Based-Demons exist, so if you’re a male or a female that has been physically attacked by a demon that did not possess you then you don’t want to talk to someone that holds a myopic view that suggests that demons are only something that comes from within and that simply possesses you and that a demon cannot take physical form because they are sadly mistaken and have not experienced the other side of the demon coin. This type of person can only insult you and they can also lead you down the wrong path.

These Matter-Based-Demons are real and they don’t all look the same because some are white and some are black and some are other colors as well as and I have seen them and others have seen them and I also have a family member that has seen them. Plus the kind of demons that King Solomon was dealing with and that he had power over were Matter-Based-Demons. So, don’t be deceived by those that want to control your thoughts and that also want to sell you their latest product because you see I’m not selling anything. I’m here to educate you, and this is why I have been conducting the Paranormal History 101W lessons.

I’m bring you The Forbidden (P) Files of Human History and I don’t need to claim that I’m the reincarnation of this or that person or that I’m related to a famous person in order to get your attention because you can tell that I’m an original by the things that I’m saying and by the things that I’m writing, however, some people are only famous because their family helped to establish the state of Texas or because their brother or their sister or their deceased aunt wrote a book before they were born or while they were still a child. I stand alone and am here to tell you that some of the American paranormal investigators that you’ve been listening to on various radio programs have never been outside the United States, so how would they know what’s going on in other countries and what other people are experiencing?

I had certain paranormal experiences in the United Kingdom that I wouldn’t have had, had I not left the United States in pursuit of “The Global Paranormal Truth” which consists of far more than just the experiences of a few Americans that had inexplicable access to “The Symbiotosaur” (i.e., the amalgamation of the pseudo alternative media and the mainstream media). I’m Centrist Media and I believe in bringing you a paranormal presentation that is all encompassing and that is meant to edify you because you see I can tell you with absolute certainty that the aforementioned Matter-Based-Demons do indeed exist within the United States of America as well as outside of the United States of America, and there are certain individuals that have been attacked by these demons while they were driving their car on a deserted road and the same Matter-Based-Demons have also attacked others while they were taking a swim and there are people that have witnessed the demon attacking the person and trying to drown them in broad daylight. There have also been witnesses to the same phenomenon that has also happened at night. There have also been certain situations where men have been working in the garage by themselves when they feel something behind them prior to turning around only to be attacked by a demon.

This sort of attack doesn’t happen as much anymore since men are no longer engaged in the same activities as their great-grandfathers and grandfathers and fathers and uncles and older brothers and cousins due to societal changes. There was a time when 8 out 10 men would be working on something inside the garage, however, there are only approximately 3 out of 10 men that are doing this kind of work today since a lot of men are too busy shopping with their girlfriends or playing videogames and don’t possess the knowledge of how to change a thermostat in a car or how to repair the plumbing or how to change a car battery or how to mow the lawn or how to add oil to the lawn mower or how to add fuel to the lawn mower or how to change the tire on a car or how to change the motor oil or how to change a waterpump or how to replace a radiator or what kind of clamps to use on a radiator hose or how to replace spark plugs and distributor caps and rotors or how to replace an ignition coil on a vehicle that doesn’t have a distributor cap. This kind of job generally consists of four to six bolts depending on the number of cylinders and the number of spark plugs and the overall design of the ignition coil. This sort of thing used to be part of American culture. What happened? Social Engineering which consists of a reversal of the roles and robbing men and boys of the very knowledge that was once possessed by the men that came before them.

Before I move on I want to tell you about the saddest thing that I’ve ever witnessed while living in America. A man had an eight year old daughter that developed a flat tire, and he didn’t know how to patch an inner tube, and the little girl was just balling her eyes out because she wanted to ride her bike. I went to the store and purchased some inner tube glue and patches and I also took my hand tools to his house, so the bicycle rim could be removed, and I taught the Caucasian stranger and his daughter how to repair and inner tube and I also explained to the father that he could purchase tubeless tires if his wallet would allow him to do so. The man was grateful and explained that he grew up without a father and that his mother wasn’t able to teach him any of the basic things that most boys know since she didn’t know them herself. Children need their fathers and the girl’s image of her father changed once she saw him working with his hands and solving her problem. I didn’t know the man, but saw that he was in desperate need of help, and that his daughter would eventually grow up hating her father since he couldn’t do anything about her problem. If you see a man or a boy that has been affected by Social Engineering and that is willing to learn the things that he was never taught by another man, then please take the time to teach him because he needs to understand that he cannot remove a radiator cap while an engine is still hot. I had to intervene because a boy that grew up without his father was told by his mother to add radiator fluid to the car since the engine was running hot. She had no idea how dangerous the task of adding radiator fluid could be since she didn’t know what was involved. Fortunately, I had a father and two grandfathers as well as uncles and an older brother and cousin that taught me the fundamentals. Plus I went to school, so I could learn more. I mention this because demons will often whisper things into the ears of those that don’t know any better and the consequences of being ignorant can be deadly. You take a baby for example. Who tells that baby to pull a hot pot of water down onto his or herself when the parent leaves the baby unattended? Ladies and gentlemen do not leave your kids alone because demons are known to whisper things into their ears. The mainstream media and the fascist pseudo alternative media aren’t going to tell you what’s really going on. What possesses an animal to attack the genitals of an infant? A ruthless human hating demon that’s controlling the thoughts of the animal and that has possessed it. This is why it is not safe for children to be around some animals. Why do animals purposely attack the genitals of infants if they don’t know what they’re doing? Why not attack the arm or the leg? Why is it specifically the genitals and why is more than one animal involved? Open your minds. This is not happenstance.

People have also been attacked by Matter-Based-Demons while sitting inside a deserted section of the library, which you’ll hear on the audio file that’s attached below.


During the broadcast I explain what transpired during the American Civil War since I’m fully dedicated to bringing you certain historical accounts that are not known by the general public and that have not and will not be reported by the fascist pseudo alternative media or by the mainstream media since they are indeed “The Symbiotosaur.”

Now during the American Civil War certain blacks were calling on “Papa Shango” who’s also known as “Chango” for those that don’t know. And despite all of the Hollywood movies that you’ve seen thus far and that depict blacks running and hiding and calling for Jesus while the whites are willfully massacring them. The aforementioned blacks that still retained their African roots were passionately calling on “Chango” while the Southerners were engaged in battle with the Northerners and the Southerners witnessed certain supernatural events while on the battlefield. The Southerners that fought during the American Civil War couldn’t explain their crushing defeat; however, the blacks knew what had happened since a number of courageous blacks were secretly calling on “Shango” who also goes by the name “Django.”

You see all the racial hatred in the world couldn’t help the Southerners that were defeated in battle because you see the Southerners were mowed down by armies of blacks and whites that couldn’t be killed or stopped despite their best efforts. The racist demonically possessed Southerners who were filled with racial hatred and who were also in love with the preposterous idea of keeping blacks in bondage, fired upon the advancing blacks and whites and they knew that they had hit them, however, they kept coming and the advancing armies destroyed the Southerners. They completely wiped the racist devils out because you see the Southerners were destroyed by “Shango” because this is who the blacks were calling on. During the conflict thousands of Southerners left home never to be seen or heard from again since “Chango” was waiting for them on the battlefield since the blacks had invited him to come and fight alongside them and to help the Northerners to prevail against the racist Southerners that were trying to keep them enslaved.

You see you hear a lot of things about the Civil War, but until you hear from someone that really knows what was going on in the background, you’ll never fully understand why the Southerners were so soundly defeated and why they could not offer an explanation for their catastrophic defeat.

“Shango” is the God of Fire Lightning and Thunder and he was on the side of the Northerners since the blacks called upon him. Now I’m sure that this is something that you’ve never heard before, however, I talked about it on Twitter, and am positive that you’ve never heard this particular account before because you see the black community holds a lot of secrets, however “The Symbiotosaur” won’t bring you the truth when it is presented to them since they only want you to maintain a certain view when it comes to African Americans. There are still a number of blacks throughout the Continental United States and all around the world that still believe in “Shango” so the Southerners can be foolish and start another Civil War if they want, but this time potbellies and an unquenchable thirst for Viagra and Niagra (i.e., female Viagra that treats female erectile dysfunction) since they can’t perform sexually without it, won’t be the only thing that the Southerners will receive as punishment from “Shango” because they will become an occupied people that have little to no rights and absolutely no guns to fight back with and home schooling and hunting will most likely be outlawed altogether since every aspect of the disobedient Southerner’s life will be controlled by the Northerners if they are foolish enough to start another Civil War that they can’t possibly win since they do not have the technological advantage.

The modern day Southerners that think that they can defeat the North by starting another Civil War are not dealing with reality and anyone that’s trying to convince them that they can win is an even bigger fool as well as an embarrassment to the South since the commencement of 1776 will mean that the Southerners will be crushed for the second time in American History.

The modern day Southerner should realize that he or she will be facing supernatural forces much like the plantation owners that met with an unhappy end because they were raping women and children and killing innocent men. The fact that many of the white plantation owners were a bunch of filthy male and female pedophiles is something that most Americans will try to hide, however, the aforementioned fiends were raping little boys and girls at will and the lady of the plantation was engaging in forced rape against the black male slaves as well as forced lesbian relationships with the black female slaves and the male plantation owners were raping black men, but you won’t hear this being discussed in the mainstream media or in the fascist pseudo alternative media for that matter, however, the black community holds a lot of secrets and know exactly what kind of racist filth existed back then and what kind of racist filth exists to this very day and that this is why there is so much child molestation and rape that’s taking place inside the white community. Everything that happened during slavery has not been written in the history books that were written by whites because African Americans still believe in passing things down orally. Plus there are and were many blacks that wrote books about what had happened, however, these historically accurate books were never published since the white publishing houses and many of the black publishing houses that feared the white publishing houses wouldn’t print the truth.

My grandfather on my mother’s side of the family was born in Texas in 1911 and he saw a lot of cruel things in his life. Plus his mother and father grew up in the racist South when black men and women and children were being raped and lynched at will. Yes, children were also being hung and mutilated and branded and raped out of their minds by a bunch of filthy racist pedophiles that had absolute power and control over them since they were living under a Totalitarian State. Radio hosts that constantly talk about a Totalitarian State, like Alex Lucifer Jones, won’t know what a Totalitarian State is until they live the life of a black man or a black woman that could be killed and raped by anyone that was white. These same male and female radio hosts will not know what a Totalitarian State is until every black person in America can stop them on the street prior to asking to see their papers. This is a Totalitarian State and until these pompous stentorian idiots have  a cruel plantation owner take their kids and sell them right in front of their eyes, which means that they will never see them again, they won’t know what a Totalitarian State is. The aforementioned radio hosts that are fond of talking about a Totalitarian State, which proves that they don’t know history, will also never know what a Totalitarian State is until they go to court to fight for their kids only to be told that the court doesn’t recognize a slave as having children. Belligerent radio hosts that claim to know history and that talk about the Totalitarian State without stating the real facts about the blacks that actually lived under a real Totalitarian State should go back to school because they’re as ignorant as a sack of unwashed cucumbers. Under a Totalitarian State one cannot choose his or her mate and must engage in sex at the pleasure of the slave master and any offspring that are produced are the express property of the slave master even though the slaves are the child’s biological parents. Do you know any racist radio hosts that are living under these conditions or that have lived under these conditions or that were emasculated since they were living under a true Totalitarian State?

Most people believe that slavery ended exactly when the history books say that it ended, however, this account cannot be believed because blacks were still being enslaved in Texas and in other Southern states as well as in places in the North.

During slavery certain blacks that didn’t fully accept Christianity and that weren’t afraid to practice the secret magic of Africa used it to punish the white plantation owners that were raping women and children and men and these bastards became impotent and their women became an orgasmic (e.g., they couldn’t reach a climax) which is a sexual condition that still exists to this very day, which is essentially why white women are secretly taking Viagra as well as Niagra. The curse of sexual dysfunction will not go away, which is why the makers of Viagra and Niagra will continue to get rich off of the Southerners incurable suffering since they will always require a sexual aid that will cut into their overall wealth and that will cause them to use some of “The Slave Money” that their families made in order to gain a normal sex life.

Some of the aforementioned plantation owners were killed by other whites or in black uprising since they were raping men women and children and since the black slaves used the secret magic of Africa against them. The blacks called on “Shango” and he dealt with the plantation owners. I decided to take the time to bring you “The Paranormal Component of The American Civil War” since it’s something that you won’t get anywhere else. Remember certain African Americans still believe in handing things down orally and will not share their knowledge with those that they consider to be outsiders.

I want the Southerners to understand why their losing their rights and why they’re being pushed around. You see every evil act that was done to blacks during slavery and afterwards is now being perpetrated against the Southerners, but the kicker is that the perpetrators look exactly like them and this is why they cannot stop them. Vengeance was called for and an army to carry it out, and who better than the ones that control the world. The Southerners should understand that resistance is futile since they can’t possibly win a second Civil War.

Ghostly Interventions

You will hear many paranormal investigators talking about ghosts and demons and some of them will even discuss UFOs and Extraterrestrials, however, many of them are just reading something that someone else has written since they haven’t experienced the things for themselves. The aforementioned paranormal investigators have done some research on the subject, however, the research that they’ve done and that they’re repacking is based on something that someone else has either said or written. What I’m bringing you is based on real life experience.

When I was a child I was studying for an exam while attending elementary school and I I knew that I had read over a particular passage and needed to study it again since there was an upcoming test, and I spent thirty minutes trying to find the page, however, I couldn’t locate the page as you’ll hear me discussing during the paranormal presentation. After becoming frustrated since I couldn’t find the page that I was looking for, I felt a strong gust of wind that suddenly came up behind me and the pages in the book just started turning by themselves and a light suddenly appeared and it highlighted the section of the book that I had been looking for. I gave the ghost an inaudible thank you since he had helped me by finding what I had been looking for. Due to the ghost’s help I was able to pass the test by studying the material. Ghosts have also helped those that are mechanically inclined or that work on cars after they have encountered a situation that they couldn’t figure out. Master Techs can tell you about their experiences with ghosts. The helpful ghost will give specific instructions and some people have been helped by a ghost simply whispering, “Turn it this way or turn it that way and it will come loose.”

When I was a kid I encountered certain situations that involved me not being able to find the keys to the house. I needed to leave, but couldn’t find the keys to lock up the house and all of a sudden the keys dropped on my foot. The ghost either hid the keys or went and found them for me and dropped them on my foot, so I would see them after doing an exhaustive search. The world is presently filled with ghosts and you have some good ghosts and some bad ghosts, and based on my experience, I can honestly tell you that there are some ghosts out there that will help you. I have spoken with people that have been in a medical setting and who couldn’t figure out how to help a particular patient prior to a ghost telling them what was wrong with the patient and what needed to be done to heal them. The things that happen in this world and that don’t get reported on the news are phenomenal. For example, you can be walking down the street prior to coming to an intersection that’s completely clear when a ghost grabs you by the arm and restrains you, so you aren’t hit and killed by a car that just came out of nowhere and that’s speeding down the street. This happened to me as a child and the ghost that helped me was acting as a protector.

You can be riding your bike like I was when I was just a child and disaster can be waiting around the corner when the front wheel on your bicycle seizes up or won’t roll forward. And due to the problem with the bike you get off of the bicycle to try to figure out what’s wrong when a big truck that doesn’t have any brakes comes charging down the hill right before running into a parked car. The wheel starts working again after the accident since you are no longer in danger. If I had not experienced a problem with the wheel I would have been instantly killed because I was heading in the direction of the truck. The bike never gave me any problems after that day and I was able to ride home two minutes after the accident since the bicycle performed as if nothing had ever happened to it. Moments like these teach one that there is much more to this life than we can ever imagine.

Have you ever been inside a restaurant when a voice tells you not to eat a particular item? Have you ever abstained from a food item that a ghost told you not to eat while everyone else ate it and became extremely ill? I have a friend that ate a particular item that I tried to tell him not to eat and he couldn’t hold water on his stomach for a least a month and he kept feeling as though someone were stabbing him in the heart. The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. Ghosts will often whisper a warning if the person is in tune, so be on the lookout for the helpful ghost that wants to help you avert disaster.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Twenty Six

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 04/10/2013

The Troika

During the program I discuss being in high school and having a friend that was African American and I also mention that he was dating a girl that was also African American. I also explain that I instantly got a bad feeling about the girl as soon as I met her since I could tell that she had a dark horse that was accompanying her. I tried to warn my friend about his new love interest, however, he allowed passion to override his thoughts and it nearly cost him his life.

One evening while my friend and his new girlfriend were inside the confines of her home, he made the unforgivable mistake of telling his new girlfriend that she needed Jesus after she threw a fit about a commercial that showed a Nativity scene. The girl’s eyes turned completely black and she starting cursing out Jesus as well as God and she flat-out stated that she didn’t need either one of the expletives, and she also started to tear up her room prior to physically attacking my schoolmate, and since he was obviously no match for his new girlfriend due to her being demonically possessed, he had no choice, but to retreat since she had managed to overpower him on a number of occasions while he was trying to bring her under control as she began to damage the things in her room and as she became more and more angry at God and at Jesus. The demonically possessed female was also saying horrible things about Jesus’ mother and from what my friend described to me it was a classic case of demonic possession and the atmosphere became thick and it was as if someone had turned on a heater or a furnace or a radiator because the room became extremely hot and downright unbearable. The uncomfortable temperature in the room left my friend in a state of shock and it also caused him to stare at his new girlfriend while wondering what on earth had happened to the female that he had been attracted to and that he had also gone home with for the purpose of making out.

The awful entity or inter-dimensional being (i.e., demon) that appeared on the scene just as soon as my schoolmate mentioned the name Jesus was no longer his voluptuous girlfriend because the presence that appeared was not of this world, and as my high school friend ran up the street in an effort to get away from the girl that had suddenly turned into a demonically possessed person, he was abruptly confronted by a man that was at least six feet three inches tall and this man tried to sexually assault him until he grabbed an empty beer bottle and hit him over the head, which is what caused the demonically possessed man to release his demonic grip that sent chills up my friend’s spine since he was being touched by something that had come from another dimension prior to attacking him out of the blue.

Demons are not centrally located on the earth and must therefore travel from the dimension that they reside in prior to coming to the earth and this is why they are correctly described as dimensional beings.

Now friends the would-be-rapist that attacked my friend also had the same pitch black demonic eyes as the girlfriend which is a clear sign of demonic possession and as my friend ran up the street from where he had the altercation with the demonically possessed man that tried to sexually assault him, a strange woman started following him in a white El dorado Cadillac and she was forcefully telling him to return to the girl’s home. This was a woman that my friend had never seen before which is why he was wondering how she knew the girl’s name and how she knew that he had come from this particular girl’s home since they had been alone inside the house or at least this is what the girl had told him prior to becoming demonically possessed by an entity that gave her a tremendous amount of strength right before the terrifying dark skinned black woman came on the scene and started following my friend in the white El dorado Cadillac that was a convertible.

The aforementioned incident was an extremely terrifying ordeal for my friend because the woman that was driving the white El dorado Cadillac was also demonically possessed because she also had the very same pitch black demonic eyes as the girlfriend and as the black man that had tried to rape my friend after he ran away from the home in an attempt to escape his girlfriend that had become demonically possessed.

The freakish black woman that suddenly came on the scene wouldn’t stop following my friend and she even tried to approach the bus stop that my friend was standing at since he didn’t have a car, and the only thing that scared the demonically possessed woman off was a church going middle aged black female that suddenly approached the bus stop while holding a bible and a crucifix. The middle aged black female that suddenly appeared on the scene with bible in hand told my friend with great authority that he didn’t need to be afraid because the Lord Jesus Christ was with him and that she wouldn’t allow the demons to take him.

The bible toting woman might have been an angel for all we know, but there was something about her that caused the demonically possessed woman to leave the area and to stop pursuing my friend, and after this particular incident took place with The Troika which is Russian for three, my friend started to attend church on a regular basis and he also started to listen whenever I told him that I had a bad feeling about a particular female that he wanted to go out with.

The three demons that were inside the three separate individuals that suddenly came into my high school friend’s life were somehow connected with one another and he’s just lucky to be alive and instantly gained religion when he previously had none.

The uncanny brush with pure unadulterated evil also convinced my friend that he needed to start to listen to his family members that had previously tried to tell him certain things about what they had experienced in Alabama and in Mississippi and in Texas prior to moving to Southern California during the 1960s in an effort to get away from the demonic forces that were at work in these particular states. The incident with the demonically possessed girlfriend was a tremendous eye-opener for everyone at my school, and after the unforgettable experience that took place with The Troika was over with my friend was no longer the insensitive numbskull that had been going around and laughing at everyone that was trying to tell him about the existence of the paranormal, for he learned the hard way that it wasn’t the whiskey that was talking when his family members were trying to tell him about their paranormal encounters and about the demons and the devils that they had seen while living in the Southern states.

Will you be sensible and stop long enough to listen to the knowledge that is being shared with you before the demons suddenly come into your life after traveling from their respective dimension?

The Ghosts of Bakersfield California

I discuss interviewing a man that was traveling through Bakersfield California by himself since he had met a young lady online that had invited him to stay for the weekend. While Jim was traveling at three minutes past 3:00AM (the witching hour) he started to hear a rumbling sound in the back of his Toyota pickup truck which greatly alarmed him since he had purchased the truck brand new and realized that nothing should be wrong with it since it was new and only had something like 9 miles on it which was the result of the vehicle being moved around on the lot. Consciously ignoring the rumbling that was coming from the back of the truck due to its newness, Jim continued to travel north and he even turned up the premium sound system figuring that whatever it was would soon go away, however, the rumbling sound moved to the driver’s side of the truck and then to the passenger’s side before Jim finally saw an Eternal Protoplasmic Projection or a ghost that was running alongside his truck and fearing for his life Jim started to speed up figuring that he could possibly out run the ghost, however, spirits are not bound by gravity, so the ghost continued to keep up and Jim finally said what do you want since he had become annoyed by the ghost since he couldn’t get away from the Eternal Protoplasmic Projection that was still running alongside his pickup truck that had plenty of horses underneath the hood. The ghost told Jim that he wanted to come inside the truck, so he could have a word with him and Jim said the heck with that and you had better stay out there, however, the male ghost ignored Jim’s warning as well as his futile attempt to get away and he came inside the cab anyway which caused Jim to slam on the brakes and to almost flip the truck over while trying to keep the ghost away from him. The fully visible male ghost being inside the cabin of the truck made Jim want to jump out of his skin since the male spirit’s unique electrical signature that is completely different from a human’s, instantly interacted with Jim’s skin or with his nerve endings much like a ground (black wire) or a negative battery cable causes positive electricity to flow to a particular device or to a light bulb.

The person that encounters an Eternal Protoplasmic Projection will often light up like a Christmas light due to the encounter with the unnatural presence.

After the aforementioned frightening and unexpected exchange took place between Jim’s skin and nerve endings and the male spirit’s overpowering electrical signature, the ghost finally said all I wanted to tell you is that your mother says hello and that she misses you and that she’ll be waiting for you on the other side and that your grandparents and uncles will be waiting for you as well. Jim’s mother had died some seven years before the encounter with the male spirit and Jim advised me that he fainted and that he didn’t wake up again until he heard a tractor trailer blowing its horn which caused him to pull off to the side of the road. Jim was apparently still in the intersection when he passed out due to fright and he still managed to make the journey to the woman’s house and he didn’t breathe a word of what had happened since he didn’t want the woman to think that he was crazy.

Jim later learned that his new girlfriend had seen a number of ghosts while traveling throughout Bakersfield California and that she had asked him to come at this particular time of morning because she wanted to confirm that she wasn’t crazy and that other people could see the ghosts as well. Jim was for all intents and purposes a human Ginny pig and he didn’t find out about it until he got to know the woman a little better. The sad thing is that his girlfriend doubted herself due to public opinion and had to use someone else as an unwitting subject in a paranormal experiment simply because she was afraid to speak out because of what the skeptics and the naysayers have had to say in the past and because of certain news personalities that have made fun of those that have spoken the truth.

Well, as I’ve stated before and do so now. I care not what the evolutionists or the atheists or the skeptics or the creationists or the naysayers or the Whitepaper Scientists/Artificial Intelligence Operatives or the pseudo alternative or the mainstream media mavens might have to say because I will continue to speak the truth since I realized a long time ago when I was just a child that I don’t need anyone’s permission or approval to bring forth the truth and I am not in this field for the money and have been broadcasting and writing about the paranormal without any financial incentive.

I have not taken a single advertising dollar and I have also not signed a lengthy government contract to act as a disinformation agent and nor have I appointed myself as one, and I also haven’t called into Coast to Coast AM for the purpose of selling a book or a DVD. I have simply been bringing the listening audience as well as the readers the absolute paranormal truth and will continue to do so for as long as I have breath because you see Carmichael Wolfe “The Eclectic Novelist” who’s also known as “The Word Assassin” due to his extensive vocabulary and as “The Stygian Scientist” and also as CarmWolfe is dedicated to bringing you the unabridged paranormal truth and I will not trick you into believing a lie just to make a buck, which is not to say that all of the guests that have appeared on Coast to Coast AM are only out to make a buck because Whitley Strieber recently confessed that he hasn’t been making money off of his books which proves that he’s simply trying to share his experience with whoever will listen.

My paranormal material is too terrifying for Hollywood to put up on the Silver Screen because they know that it’s real and that it frightens those that are secretly providing them with certain pieces of information that have to do with the Extraterrestrials and with the other paranormal entities that are from our immediate solar system and that are also from the other dimensions. What I’m talking about and writing about gives men nightmares because they know that no one is immune and that they can be abducted by the Extraterrestrials at any time and that there isn’t a bloody thing that the scientists can do about it or that the government can do about it for that matter since they cannot stop the portals from opening up and since man may not fly faster than the speed of light.

Did anyone really think that the Extraterrestrials or the gods would allow man to fly faster than the speed of light when only the most advanced Extraterrestrials can achieve such a tremendous fete and when being able to move faster than the speed of light is an advanced weapons system that can and will and has already been used against the humans in the past conflicts that have taken place between us and the gods? Remember what I said about the Tower of Babel? We aren’t the first and we won’t be the last. Everything is just a repeat of ancient history and the order of things can be found inside the Great Pyramid. Everything starts with the blacks and it ends with the whites. The Red man rises and falls and so does the yellow man before the Cycle of Colors is finally complete. White is the last color on the Wheel of Destiny. Can you see the unmistakable decadence that is afoot? Whatever happened to the great men that were supposed to be like Aristotle and like Herodotus and like Plato and like Socrates? Why have we been left with brutes like Hitler instead of with great men like Leonardo da Vinci? Our species is in a decline and we will eventually experience a reset and the inevitable Cycle of Colors will begin a new and we will reach the very same height of invention and technological advances before the reset button is pressed once again. And once the reset button is pressed by the gods or by the Extraterrestrials Christopher Columbus will sail again after the Black Egyptians and all of Africa rises to prominence in the ancient world that is to come and the Chinese Dynasties will flourish once again and the Native Americans will reign as Chiefs prior to the Europeans coming to America and enslaving everyone before their time is up and before the homo sapiens are started over from scratch which is exactly what happened after the humans developed nuclear weapons as well as the ability to fly. What has been done in modern times is nothing new and this is why we continue to find remnants of the past great civilizations that existed prior to the reset.

The Wheel of Destiny will indeed be spun again and the humans that come after us will think that they’re doing something that’s never been done before just like our scientists think that what they’re doing hasn’t been done before and that no one in all of creation has ever been as smart as they presently are even though they cannot create trees and plants and planets out of Ex-nihilo and even though they cannot prevent the sun from eventually burning out. How do these scientists know that the sun burning out isn’t a part of the reset process that is used against a stubborn species that refuses to die and that refuses to be reset despite all of the cataclysmic events that might take place on their planet and despite the numerous wars that take place between them and the gods or the Extraterrestrials? What if the aforementioned burned out sun experiences a period of hibernation before restarting again and what if the Extraterrestrials or the gods wait for the aforementioned period of hibernation to end before placing humans on the planet? Since none of our scientists have ever been around to witness what happens millions and millions of years after a sun burns out who’s to say that the burnt out sun doesn’t regain its vigor after a fixed period of time? We can certainly speculate, and we can also use a number of mathematical equations to try to justify our scientific theory, however, we cannot prove our theory with actual hard or tangible evidence that everyone can experience?

Have we ever traveled to a sun that has lost its luster? How can we be so certain that our Eurocentric assumptions are even remotely true when we cannot change ourselves from an oxygen based system to a system that survives off of another substance and when we still haven’t placed a human being on mars and when some say that we no longer have the ability to return to the moon and that the Chinese will get to the moon before we can develop the ability to return?

Since we supposedly evolved from the innocent and innocuous looking amoeba shouldn’t we have already evolved passed the point of needing oxygen as well as passed the point of starting wars? Perhaps we haven’t evolved at all since all we have done is to enslave other human beings and to destroy lives through a number of senseless wars that benefit no one, but, “The Ruling Class,” of demonically possessed Anglo Saxons and Nazis that didn’t die during the second World War II since they never took the battlefield due to orchestrating everything from behind the scenes. Hitler was not the top Nazi. He was only made to look like he was while the real Nazi High Command orchestrated the takeover of the biosphere through financial means while the rest of the world was fixated on the bombs that were being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

If you will recall, it was Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel that said, “Mark this well you proud men of action! you are, after all, nothing but the unconscious instruments of the men of thought.” Hitler was the unconscious instrument and the men that control the world’s finances are indeed the men of thought. The Nazi foot soldiers were used to wage war while the Nazi High Command and the Anglo Saxons on both sides of the pond made an irreversible profit since they are and always have been the heads of the Military Industrial Complex.

The Ancient Black Egyptians and all of the other great civilizations of the past including the Mayans had their version of the Military Industrial Complex.

Strife and conflict equal dollars and history always repeats itself and like the historical figure named Jesus said in the Holy Bible if a man hath ear let him hear.

This is a rerun.

The Demon In The Royal Blue Dress

During the program I mention that a Hispanic man met a white female at a nightclub in Orange County California and that after a few drinks the woman suggested that they get a room and since this was his first time being out on the town due to living a strict Christian life, the man agreed to leave with the stranger since he felt that his strict Christian life wasn’t getting him anywhere since he had recently gotten laid off from work and since his mother was in the hospital and needed surgery to repair both of her legs that had been broken during an unexpected fall that had occurred while he was visiting a sick parishioner instead of helping his mother. The woman that asked the man to leave with her also offered to pay for the room which should have alarmed the man, however, he ignored it and proceeded to the room where the beautiful white female told him to get undressed and to lie back on the bed and that she would do the same. Well, this beautiful white female suddenly turned from white to black as you’ll hear me mention on the audio file, and it didn’t stop there either, for she also displayed male genitalia where her female genitalia had been. The Hispanic man was in the company of a male demon that was able to disguise himself as a beautiful white female that had everything that one would expect to find on a woman.

The victim tried to scream and yell for help, however, he couldn’t get anything to come out and he was overpowered by the demon and raped as the demon stared into his eyes and as it breathed into his terrified face. This man obviously got a lot more than he had expected when he agreed to leave with the woman that he met at the bar of the nightclub and he feels that this particular incident happened to him because he had decided to step away from his strict Christian values, however, I told him that he could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time since demons often hang around bars and nightclubs. Beware of encounters that seem just too good to be true because you might just find yourself entertaining a demon. This man isn’t the first and he won’t be the last and I turned down one such encounter because I could tell that the female wasn’t human and that it was a trap and that it would be a fight to the finish if the demon tried to rape me since I don’t believe in turning the other cheek and since I have dealt with these demonic entities in the past.

Don’t allow your passions to override your intelligence because if it seems too good to be true then it most likely is. I had a beautiful African woman try to entice me once, however, I turned down what a lesser man would have jumped at, and I lived to talk about it unlike the poor sap that was committed to a mental institution due to his encounter with the male demon that was masquerading as an attractive African national. It isn’t worth it, so my advice to you is to just walk away because these inter-dimensional entities are some nasty buggers, and you don’t want to get mixed up with them if you can help it because they will corrupt your soul from the inside out and you will be left a shell of the person that your once were.

The week man runs after sex, however, the intelligent man seeks knowledge since he understands that knowledge is the key to obtaining a state of enlightenment.

El Diablo

During the program you’ll hear me talk about the man that went to the place in El Salvador where his mother had lived and how she freaked out once she learned that he had traveled to El Salvador. The man’s parents flew to America and went through the legal process to become citizens and he was born in the United States and hadn’t been to El Salvador in twenty years since he was still in his mother’s womb when they made the trip to America. Well, wanting to know more about his mother since she didn’t talk that much he decided to take a trip that led him to a bar where he met a bartender that knew his mother. The bartender tried to get the man to leave after telling him that El Diablo (the devil) was coming for the stranger that was sitting in the back of the bar, however, being an American, he immediately dismissed what the bartender was telling him and he told him to pour him a couple more drinks after refusing to leave the bar as he was told.

The man got the shock of his life when a creepy figure suddenly appeared in a trench coat with pitch black demonic eyes prior to going to the back of the bar where the stranger was seated. The stranger and El Diablo approached the bar and the visitor to El Salvador that was enjoying his drink wanted to jump out of his skin since the demon had a different electrical signature and since the stranger was shaking and terrified out of his mind. His body language said it all and when the man that had gone in search of secrets about his mother’s previous life looked down, he saw that El Diablo had legs like a goat and that he had the stranger by the shirt collar prior to leaving with him.

The stranger was never seen again and the man’s mother was rightfully concerned about her son since she knew that he had absolutely no idea what he was getting himself into since he didn’t understand what goes on in other countries since he’s the kind of person that only relies on what he’s told on the evening news, which is why she told him that the people in the news don’t know anything outside of reading from a teleprompter and that they’re too afraid to find out the truth about the paranormal.

The man’s eyes have been opened and he knows that there’s a lot more to this life than what this or that celebrity might be wearing for the week. He also knows that demons and devils and ghosts and other paranormal entities exist, and he also knows that Extraterrestrials are real and that some of the aliens that are visiting us have come from other dimensions and that the Superimposed Reality that I previously discussed does indeed exist since he has experienced it for himself after studying the clouds as I instructed him to do.

No one person has all of the answers, and this is why you need to listen to others like myself because all of the secrets haven’t been given to the more widely publicized  UFO researchers that are coming at the situation with a 1950’s understanding.

Consider the following question. How many African Americans took UFO secrets and Extraterrestrial encounters to the grave due to having no one to talk to about them since America was replete with racism throughout the entire time that certain UFO researchers were trying to apply 1940’s and 50’s thinking to a problem that was far more advanced than they could have ever imagined?

You have only been getting one side of the coin, which is why your understanding is limited. I am providing you with information that you can’t get anywhere else, and this is why I provided you with a fresh account of The Battle of Los Angeles which is an account that you would have never found out about due to the mainstream media’s unwillingness to interview the blacks that were living at the time that it happened.

I encourage you to listen to the audio files and tell others about them, so that they may obtain a state of enlightenment. And you should also encourage the visual learners to read my blog since some people get more out of reading than they do out of hearing a voice that causes them to have to form a picture inside their mind.

I’m an audio and visual learner and always have been which is rare since most people generally fall into the category of an audio learner or a visual learner, but not both according to the scientists that produce the white papers.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Twenty Three

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 02/20/2013

Program Dedication

In this episode I start off by stating that, “There is no honor in keeping quiet about the paranormal,” and I also explain that my radio program is dedicated to the paranormal and to those that have witnessed the phenomena. I also explain that I am dedicated to providing some concrete answers to some of the questions that have perplexed men and women for a number of years.

Stages Of Demonic Possession And The Possessed

I explain that the demonic spirit will seek to wear the person down through sleep deprivation and I also explain that the sleep deprivation is designed to lower the person’s resistance and to cause depression which is what ultimately allows the demonic spirit or the devil to enter the person’s body and to completely take over and to reduce the individual to nothing more than a spectator at a ball game. In addition, I also explain that the unseen demonic spirit or devil will use an unholy addiction to cause the sleep deprivation. For example, the person may become addicted to certain news items or to watching the news for any mention of gangs or gang violence. This was a popular theme during the 1980s and the mid to late 1990s and could be seen on all of the television stations. The individuals that became consumed by these stories acted out the violence.

Now for the unsuspecting person that isn’t interested in gangs and that loves to read the news or to view it on television or to listen to it over the airwaves and who does it on a constant and daily basis; he or she may become consumed by certain news articles that relate to a conspiracy to take over the world through deception. The articles may or may not be real and may indeed be designed to affect the small percentage of the public that’s highly susceptible to becoming mentally ill by simply reading certain negative news articles over and over again that are designed to terrify an individual and to cause them to feel like the entire world is closing in on them. The demon or the devil leads the aforementioned individuals to what it knows will eventually lower their defenses over time and once this effectively happens the male or female demon takes over the victim’s body and does whatever it wants to do.

Racism and sexism are also tools that are used by demons and devils and a few examples of this have to do with two African American males that experienced both.

These individuals were discriminated against on their job as well as in the place where they lived and they eventually became demonically possessed, and one became so possessed during the 1970s that he took on an entire police station after being arrested by a group of racist police officers who couldn’t tell that the man was suffering from demonic possession after suffering sleep deprivation due to being harassed and discriminated against due to his sex and due to his race. This man sent twelve police officers to the hospital in critical condition after fighting off fifty of the racist white police officers after they made a conscious decision that they were going to beat up a black man simply because he was black.  The man survived the attack by the racist police officers and didn’t die and didn’t have any lasting injuries and went on to live a productive life while some cops had to retire due to injury.

The other individual that suffered demonic possession after being discriminated against because of his sex and because of his race went on a shooting spree.

I was once attacked by a person that was demonically possessed and I was thrown clear across the room, however, I did not run and stood my ground because I am a true Alpha Male as well as a professional and I take being a paranormal investigator seriously.

I was also inside a home where a man that was possessed by a devil which is stronger than a demon caused a two story home to shake and rattle like it had been hit by a horrific thunder storm or by a hurricane. The man accomplished this astonishing fete with his voice just by speaking. What happened with this man is an example of a person being possessed by a devil which is a higher entity than a demon; however, I did not run and stood my ground.

Now fellow radio host Alex Jones talks about the Satanists and about the occult and he states that he’s probably the only person in radio that might have experienced it first hand, however, little does Alex Jones know that Carmichael Wolfe “The Eclectic Novelist” has experienced the full powers of darkness and can tell him that the force is as old as God himself. I have also seen the angel of death and saw her standing with the spirit of a deceased loved one after he died, so there isn’t anything that Alex Jones can tell me about the dark side because you see I have been there and done that and lived to talk about it since I have had help from the gods that are on the other side of this reality which means that I was not entirely defenseless after being viciously attacked by the man that was demonically possessed and that I received even greater strength than he had since it was the only way to effectively keep me alive. I doubt that Alex Jones knows what it’s like to receive the strength of six to ten men when your life depends on it since you’re effectively dealing with something that is not of this world and this is indeed why I fear no man Extraterrestrial or demon. The paranormal is real folks and some men that have encountered it have had their hair turned completely white in certain patches.

The blacks that are living in the Southern states can tell you some stories that pertain to certain events that are part of the paranormal paradigm. The Southern states are replete with demons and devils due to all of the blacks that were brutalized and killed on the soil. The Northern states also have their share of demons and devils since blacks were also enslaved and brutalized by certain individuals that call the Northern states their home. Demons and devils tend to occupy certain areas of a country where men and women have shown extreme cruelty to their fellow man and this is indeed why there are a number of demonic possessions that often take place throughout the continental United States of America.

Lastly, if you know someone that’s currently suffering from sleep deprivation, the best thing that you can do is to try to get them to get some sleep. Also, if they’re suffering from depression you might want to get them to talk about what’s bothering them in addition to getting them to exercise and to get some fresh air because if they remain in this state they will become demonically possessed. Some people have become so possessed that they’ve killed their entire family since the demons and devils seek out the weakest link to possess. If the person wants to seek medical attention for their sleep deprivation or for their depression then you should immediately take them to a hospital, so they can be seen by a doctor.

Dimensional Crisscrosses

I explain that a dimensional crisscross has to do with our dimension coming into contact with another dimension and I also explain that one of the places where the dimensional crisscross can be found is inside a closet and I also explain that this is one of the reasons that children like to play inside closets. I experienced the very same phenomena as a child and it took place inside a closet and I described it as a, “Dimensional Crisscross.” This happened while I was living in a home that had a closet that I liked to play in as a child. Now what I just said is extremely important because you see other children like to play inside closets since they’ve discovered something and when I walked to the end of the closet I was instantly transported into another world and when I backed out of the other world while still inside the confines of the closet I was back in my world. In addition, sometimes I would have to wait one to two hours before I could leave the other world since I had to wait for the portal to open back up once I was fully immersed in the other world.

Now besides what I’ve already said I also mention that the portals will not open for adults and that I believe that they’re only there for children since you see some magnificent things once you enter the portal. For example, you see gardens which instantly cause you to think about the Garden of Eden, and the scenes aren’t always the same because sometimes you will enter a forest or a city and sometimes the city will mimic your natural environment and other times the cities will look brand new or futuristic and other times there won’t be any smog. In addition, you will see cars that are the same or that are different. For example, if a child that’s living in 2013 happens to enter a dimensional crisscross that’s found inside a closet he or she might enter a period where all of the cars are from the 1970s since the portal opens to different scenes in time or to different places in space or time. Plus some of the other dimensions that are entered have other life forms. For example, they will look human, but will have something peculiar about them, meaning that their eyes might be larger or smaller and that they may or may not have hair and that their heads might be a different shape. These various life forms are quite often mistaken for imaginary friends once the child starts to tell their parent that they met with their friend and that their friend took them to this or that place and that their friend’s name is this or that.

The parent is often stupefied by what he or she is being told and there are times when the parent cannot find the child for hours and then the child suddenly pops up inside the house to the astonishment of the parent that has searched every inch of the house as well as the front and backyard and all of the closets and cupboards in the house and the neighbor’s property. This happens because the child has encountered a dimensional crisscross which he or she tries their absolute very best to describe to the parent, who immediately discounts their testimony since adults are often told to ignore the paranormal or the things that science cannot explain. The unsuspecting parent is also told by a psychiatrist or psychologist that if they don’t ignore the matters that pertain to the paranormal then they will be given a label which essentially means that they are certifiable, which isn’t fair because you see these things do indeed exist, and if an objective person approaches the subject with an open mind then they will soon discover that the accusers that are wearing white lab coats are effectively insane since they cannot wrap their minds around what the person is trying to explain to them. Simply labeling a person as mentally ill because you cannot understand what they’re saying is a horrendous display of arrogance since no one can effectively know everything that goes on in the world despite what certain psychiatrists and psychologists might try to convince the general public of since they want to maintain their power over the general population which is given to them by their titles and by their power to administer pharmaceutical drugs, which is what causes so many people to seek them out in the first place since they need a certain amount of pills to help them cope with what others can deal with naturally. For example, you will hear me mention during the broadcast that it is perfectly acceptable and common place in Haiti for a person to see the spirit of a deceased relative and that they are not labeled as mentally ill since this is a real life phenomena that is taking place, however, if a Haitian national tells a psychiatrist or a psychologist that is practicing inside the United States, and that is strictly using American based psychiatric terms, that he or she is seeing the spirit of their deceased relative, he or she will be automatically labeled as being mentally ill and will be prescribed medication even though the person isn’t mentally ill and even though the person is perfectly sane when judged by Haitian psychological standards of psychiatry.

Psychiatry is not a science that cannot make mistakes and trust me I know because you see I studied abnormal psychology and have been around a lot of psychiatrists and psychologists and can honestly tell you that many of the professionals that are seeing patients for a diagnosed mental illness are also taking medication for a mental illness. Plus the same psychiatrist or psychologist that’s taking medication for a diagnosed mental illness and that’s seeing patients on a constant and daily basis is also seeing another psychiatrist or psychologist that’s also seeing patients or who has seen patients. So the question then becomes. How can a mentally ill person that’s taking medication for a mental illness effectively help another mentally ill person that’s been diagnosed by one of their colleagues that’s also seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist who also might be taking medication for a diagnosed mental illness that’s based entirely on the psychiatric definitions that are used throughout the United States? You see there’s one thing that must be remembered about the American form of psychiatry and it is that the definitions of mental illness that are accepted and assigned to patients that seek medical attention inside the United States are not necessarily accepted by the devoted psychiatrists and psychologists that practice in other parts of the world, which is indeed why I gave the example of what’s taking place in Haiti.

Now let me just state for the record that there are certain psychotropic drugs that do indeed help those that are suffering from a genuine mental illness, however, there is no cure for the paranormal and the psychiatrist or psychologist cannot do anything about it, which means that the psychiatrist might be able to prescribe certain medications to prevent the person from feeling certain things, but they cannot stop demonic possession from taking place because if the demon wants you they will get you most of the time, however, if you have a belief system it can help, but there are no guarantees because I have talked to men of the cloth that have been possessed and as a child I witnessed a priest as well as the entire body of believers that were attending a bible study become possessed as you’ll hear me describing during this particular episode. The priest was the first one to become possessed and the men and women followed suit and they began to egg on two brothers to fight to the death which is what I touch on during the broadcast since it is important that others know what has been taking place behind closed doors since the possession of priests is not something that you will hear most priests openly talking about since they don’t want to admit that the devil and his minions have infiltrated the Catholic Church. What has taken place inside the Catholic Church is nothing short of spiritual warfare and the Catholic Church was compromised through the recent sex scandal because it is effectively the only historical body of believers that has always stood against all attempts to conquer the world through evil. The Catholic Church was also compromised during the era of the Nazis, but it rebounded just so it could be hit again and again.

The priests that were in cahoots with the Nazis and that molested the children are under the control of the evil one whether you want to believe this or not, and the mainstream media hasn’t even begun to touch of the subject of the nuns that have molested the children because the children are many.

Now before I close let me just say that you have certainly seen certain disturbing items in the news that have already taken place, however, you will continue to see even greater acts of evil because you see the same evil spirit that was at work during the Rise and Fall of the Nazis is in full control once again and he came to power during the 1960s and 70s and was increasingly active throughout the entire 1980s and 90s and he is here right now and is secretly controlling things from behind the scenes whether you want to believe it or not and the nations that will be affected or that will play a role in his ascension to world dominance are represented by the following letters A.B.I.G.

The war is for the mind.

What I didn’t mention while conducting my live show, is the fact that a male spirit entered the room or office space while I was broadcasting, however, I continued to conduct the show because true professionals keep rolling no matter what. See if you can pinpoint the precise moment that the male ghost appeared.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Twenty Two

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 01/22/2013

Ancient Secret Non-Terrestrial Files

Now I know that I’ve spoken about the ubiquitous ancient evidence for UFOs and for Extraterrestrial Entities, however, what I’m disclosing during this particular episode has to do with something that is often overlooked. You see the ancient art work and the ancient text were not available to all of the persons that made up the ancient civilizations since only a few were allowed to read or to handle or to even see the full extent of the art work as well as the accompanying text. It is my contention that the Ancient African cave paintings, which were not seen by all, were indeed an Ancient UFO File that was intended for the privileged few that got to see them. In addition, the ancient text that have been found and deciphered by modern day humans also fall into the very same category as the ancient artwork because you see only those that belonged to a certain class of people could be trusted with the secrets of the civilization. Plus only a select few were taught to read in many of the past civilizations, who by the way didn’t have the same kind of national educational system that can be found throughout the continental United States. This is something that is often overlooked since most people aren’t familiar with the history of the world, and only look at what’s taking place within the 21st Century, which is a mistake because it skews their view when it comes to UFOs and Extraterrestrials. You see in today’s modern society everyone is given the opportunity to learn and to view what was once withheld from the general population, and most people believe that things were the same in ancient times when they were not. The ancient African cave paintings have been preserved because everyone didn’t have access to them. The cave paintings as well as the text were reserved for certain upper level members of the then society and they were supposed to be passed down to future generations of the hierarchy. These ancient historical records were indeed the secret UFO files of the day, and this is why a great many of the survivors of the great civilizations that came and went have absolutely no knowledge of what the elders of their civilization knew. The guarding of the aforementioned information is the very reason that the remnants of these past great civilizations have to learn about them from the western scientists that have deciphered the code that was previously hidden from them since their family lineage was not a part of the upper echelon.

Friends what many world governments are currently doing with respect to the Extraterrestrials is nothing new because secret communications with UFOs and with Extraterrestrials have always been kept from the general public, however, many truth seeking soldiers and paranormal investigators and lovers of history like myself have discovered the secret Ancient UFO Files and are now bringing them to the light, so that all can know what happened in the times of our collective ancestors.

Do not allow those (i.e. the misguided Scientists/Artificial Intelligence Operatives)  that are motivated by racial hatred to convince you to discount what your ancient African Ancestors had to say about the Extraterrestrials simply because you are Caucasian or simply because you belong to a different race because you see the record is there for all to behold, and we must approach the UFO and Extraterrestrial phenomena as a unified species and we must not allow others to separate us or to keep us from achieving a higher level of consciousness. We are planetary citizens and must act accordingly and must also realize that our human consciousness knows no borders, which means that we can listen intently when a man like Dmitry Medvedev has something to say and especially when it pertains to Extraterrestrials or to Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft, which are otherwise known as UFOs.

In closing I just want to reiterate the fact that the Ancient Secret Non-Terrestrial Files consist of the aforementioned Ancient Artwork as well as all of the Ancient Text that have to do with Extraterrestrials and with UFOs or Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft. In addition, the ancient records themselves reveal UFO Sightings and UFO Contact and Extraterrestrial Sightings and Extraterrestrial Contact as well as Non-Terrestrial Experimentation and startling Alien Abductions. The entire body of the Ancient UFO Files goes far beyond Area 51 and far beyond modern day government installations and it also goes well beyond the files that the US Government as well as the other governments are presently keeping in a coordinated effort to protect those that do not fall into the category of the 4 to 5 out of every ten people that can reasonably handle the truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrials.

The withholding of UFO and Extraterrestrial files by governments or by those that are at the very top of the civilization is nothing new, and the A.I.O (Artificial Intelligence Operatives) are just keeping with the tradition due to their closeness with “The Ruling Class” and due to their status as trusted members of the scientific community, which is a group that is revered by the general public just like the High Priests were revered during the times of Jesus Christ.

Pet Spirits

I explain that when I was a child we had a cat that we named Snowball, and I also explain that we called him Snowball because he was pure white and didn’t have any blemishes and had sparkling blue eyes. I also go on to describe what eventually happened to him. Snowball got out of the house and was run over by a car and before he died I was able to see him one last time before animal control took him away. The last encounter with Snowball before he died had to do with him looking at me and not being sad for himself, but being extremely sad for me since he felt that he had let me down by getting out of the house and by getting into the kind of trouble that was going to cause him to have to leave me, which I explain during the episode. Plus I also describe him returning to me within three days of his death. I wasn’t able to physically see Snowball, but he exhibited the very same behaviors that he had often demonstrated prior to his death. For example, he continued to walk on my back and he would lie down on top of me. Also, when he was alive he would always comfort me whenever I had had a bad day at school, and he would also touch a certain part of my back that was bothering me and I would instantly get better. The healing took place while I was playing sports and whenever I would pull a muscle in my back. Snowball also became my alarm clock, which is something that you’ll hear me discussing during the episode. I had these paranormal encounters while I was in elementary school and Snowball remained with me as a Pet Spirit until I reached the age of ten years old and then he left and never came back even though I had searched for him.

Like all homo sapiens pets also live on and they often come back to visit us and especially if we were children at the time of their passing.

Ladies and gentlemen we have always lived in interesting times despite what you might hear on the evening news. Plus every situation doesn’t have a prosaic explanation or an acceptable mainstream answer; however, the Artificial Intelligence Operatives (i.e. the whitepaper scientists) want you to accept their constricted definition of reality while ignoring your very own five senses and while rejecting your very own common sense approach to the paranormal and to the very things that cannot be explained through scientific means. Don’t be deceived because as previously stated the scientists are Artificial Intelligence since they aren’t the Original Intelligence (i.e. the Elohim) and they also preach, “The Gospel of Science.”

Remember, I believe in Hard Science or in Empirical Science and I completely accept Quantum Physics or Quantum Theory, which proves what the Greek Philosopher Aristotle pointed out when he wrote the book that eventually became Metaphysics which was originally known as First Philosophy. I also believe in the importance of government and in the role of the real scientists that are making this planet a better place to live, however, I reject evolution as well as the convoluted teachings of the Southerners that teach racial division as well as the superiority of the white race because unlike them, I actually have two college degrees as well as a great deal of  real world experience and know that death is what makes all men equal since no one can escape death or the irreversible effects of time.

The Visitor In The Bedroom

In this episode I talk about the visitor in the bedroom and I also explain what happens when the visitor’s space is accidently invaded by an unwanted human presence who unknowingly crosses into hostile territory that she had no idea was even there since the hostile territory happens to be located inside her bedroom of all places, which is supposed to be the safest place in the house. Well, a husband and wife that were married for well over thirty years, and who also shared the same bed, which is not always the case in all marriages since some married couples are known to have separate bedrooms, innocently carved out their very own section of the bed like most married couples that share the same bedroom. However, this simple act proved to be a lot more significant than the married couple could have ever imagined which is what I describe during my first 2013 paranormal episode. You see while the husband was out of town the wife decided to lie on his side of the bed and when she did she immediately felt someone punching her in the back and pulling her by the hair, and it didn’t stop there either for the spirit eventually got on top of her and started slapping her across the face and it also followed her into the living room where she heard a series of footsteps that were off to her right and where a fire poker was used to jab her in the genitals which caused her to collapse due to the overwhelming amount of pain that she was experiencing. After the victim who unknowingly laid on top of the spirit was down on her knees and clutching her injured genitals, the spirit began to strike her across the back with the fire poker and once she screamed that she was sorry the female spirit who was Caucasian or white when she was alive suddenly manifested and she was wearing an elaborate evening gown and a tremendous gust of wind or force was felt before the front door opened and before the angry spirit left the house.

You’ll also hear the message that I give to other paranormal investigators that might be called in on a case that has to do with a bedroom disturbance. Plus you’ll hear what happened in the case of another woman that decided to sleep on the other side of the bed once her and her boyfriend broke up. In addition, you’ll hear me explain how adults, pets, and children have been chased off by a spirit that is occupying a certain section of the bed. Spirits often take up residence inside a particular mattress since they are often attached to a certain person, and this is why I never purchase secondhand mattresses. All of my mattresses must be brand new since I have no idea who or what might be attached to the previously owned mattress that can often be found for sale at a yard sale.

The Dueling Shadow People

A man was fast asleep when he suddenly awoke to the sound of pots and pans crashing inside his kitchen. This particular incident took place at 12:35AM, and after sitting up for a while since he really wasn’t sure what was taking place inside his house, the man decided to investigate the source of the noise and when he walked into the kitchen he saw a pair of dueling Shadow People that were locked into an epic struggle and seeing the mess that they were making and his pots and pans being knocked around he yelled at the Shadow People who hadn’t noticed him until he yelled at them since they were causing a disturbance inside his home and since they were damaging his cookware. Well, after the man yelled at them out of pure instinct the Shadow People became instantly aware of his presence and they turned on him and started attacking him and he wound of trying to fight them off and what he described were black energy masses that he was able to make physical contact with. The struggle continued into the living room and the victim continued to fight with the Shadow People until they punched him out which you’ll hear on the audio file.

Now the victim was unconscious for at least two hours and when he woke up he was extremely sore due to the beating that he sustained at the hands of the Shadow people, however, being banged up wasn’t the end of his ordeal because upon entering his kitchen for the second time he discovered that the Shadow People had broken every single dish that was inside his kitchen and he also found out that they smashed the restroom mirror. This was apparently done out of anger since he disturbed them while they were fighting inside his kitchen, so if you ever walk in on a pair of dueling Shadow People the best thing to do is to just walk away because although most Shadow People are fearful of humans some of them are quite violent and have attacked children and adults alike.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Twenty

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 12/19/2012

Extraterrestrial Traits

In this episode I describe the difference between the various Extraterrestrial species as it relates to their breeding habits. Some Extraterrestrials practice endogamy, meaning they only breed with their own species and do not engage in cross species mating or intermarriage with humans or with other Extraterrestrial Beings that are not members of their immediate race. The Extraterrestrials that are on the other side of the spectrum do indeed engage in cross species mating just like the Fallen Angels who are said to be responsible for the creation of the Nephilim. All one need do is to look at the direct correlation between what some humans are experiencing today and between what many humans experienced during biblical times. The Nephilim are for all intents and purposes hybrids just like the half human and half alien children that have been produced after the humans have been ruthlessly abducted. The victims of this kidnapping are often shown their half Extraterrestrial children; however, they are not permitted to remain with the child or to be in constant contact with the baby even though they’re the second half of their parentage. In some rare instances the Extraterrestrial Superintendents or the E.S. will bring the hybrid baby back, so that the child and its human parent can communicate for a short period of time. Most humans never see their half Extraterrestrial babies after the first encounter, which leaves them with a tremendous void since they have no way of knowing where the child is or whether or not the child is living on another planet or in another dimension or next door since some hybrids have already taken up permanent residence. You as a planetary citizen may have even seen one of these hybrids without knowing it. This is usually the case; however, a small percentage of people can detect the alien energy which reveals the fact that they aren’t dealing with something that’s entirely human.

Some have speculated that these hybrids are a secret army that’s going to be used to wipe out the human race once the children reach a certain age.

Antiquity Based Humans

I explain that the Antiquity Based Humans who are also known as the ABHs painted a road map for us, and that they did so through their writings and through their art work. The road map that the ABHs created for us is undeniable because it speaks to the existence of Extraterrestrials and UFOs, and one of the pieces of the worldwide road map can be found in Tanzania Africa. There are two 29,000 year old cave paintings that depict UFOs and Extraterrestrials. The one in the Itolo region depicts several disk shaped objects that are in flight and the second one that’s in the Kolo region clearly shows four aliens or Extraterrestrial Entities that are surrounding a woman. Now although these paintings are extremely old there’s simply no way to determine exactly how long the visitations have been taking place since they could have been taking place for thousands of years before anyone decided to record them in text or in art work. The encounters were obviously important to the Antiquity Based Humans and this is why they made a permanent incorruptible record that would withstand the test of time. Now like the ABHs Dmitry Medvedev recently advised a small group of reporters that Extraterrestrials are visiting our planet and that they are living among us. He also made reference to the Men in Black movie. Mr. Medvedev cannot be controlled by the American based scientific community or by the American based mainstream media, so he is free to say whatever he pleases with respect to the Extraterrestrials and UFOs. Mr. Medvedev made the statements with the understanding that all microphones were turned off. He is the current Russian Prime Minister, which should tell us something since Russia is a Super Power.

12/21/2012 Doomsday Predictions

I explain that as a paranormal investigator, I have not uncovered any evidence that suggests that the world is going to come to an end on 12/21/2012, and I also lay out some of the predictions that I have investigated and that you may not have heard of and they are as follows.

Star Gate Opening: It is said that a star gate is supposed to open up and that it will spell doom and gloom for the earth and for its citizens. I sent an email to the individual that is positing this particular theory; however, there hasn’t been an intelligent response that explains exactly where this star gate is supposed to open up or what evidence there is that confirms the existence of said star gate or that explains why it is going to open on 12/21/2012.

Skeletons Will Walk The Earth: Some believe that skeletons will begin to walk the earth on 12/21/2012 and that they will be wielding swords. They also believe that the sword wielding skeletons will begin to harass us and that they will start knocking on our doors and that they will attack us while we’re stuck in traffic. The skeletons are supposed to kill massive amounts of humans after they begin to chase us.

Demon Apocalypse: I explored the theory that a demon apocalypse is supposed to take place as soon as we reach 12/21/2012. During the demon apocalypse that’s supposed to take place a little over a day from now, humans are supposed to be attacked by demons while they’re sleeping and while they’re showering and while they’re in a restaurant and while they’re inside their place of employment. The demons are said to be vicious and unstoppable and they’re supposed to wreck the entire planet and they’re also supposed to topple all of the human lead governments, so Lucifer can establish a seat of power here on the earth and so he can rule over the humans. According to the 2012 prediction the demons will come through a portal.

Zombie Apocalypse: Zombies are supposed to attack all of the humans and they’re supposed to kill a third or more of us on 12/21/2012. If the zombies attack, which I don’t believe they will, we will simply rise to the occasion as we’ve always done when something has threatened us as a species. As I tweeted if the zombies attack it will be just another day and a reason to share a beer with a perfect stranger or with a friend. If the zombies attack you can count on me to be one of the Alpha Males that comes out to repel them.

Solar Flares: Solar flares are supposed to scorch the earth on 12/21/2012 and our power grids are supposed to be knocked off line. In addition, our computers are supposed to be interrupted. This is pure speculation on the part of some, and they have hyped up their doomsday predictions as a way to sell books and DVDs. I plan to be on Twitter as well as on Facebook on 12/21/2012 because I have no fear of being stranded on the road due to a solar flare knocking out all electronics which include car batteries and alternators. Without these two components your vehicle will not operate. If the battery dies, your alternator can still power the vehicle until it eventually burns out since its job is to constantly charge the battery which then operates your air conditioning and car radio and windshield wipers and the spark that causes your spark plugs to ignite the air fuel mixture that’s contained inside your combustion chamber.

Don’t put your lives on hold because the world isn’t going to end.

Big Foot To Be Unleashed: According to some the Extraterrestrials are going to unleash a Big Foot attack on 12/21/2012, and these Big Foot are supposed to number in the thousands, and they’re going to come through a portal that will be opened up over North America. The North American continent is supposed to be devastated by Big Foot and all of our defenses are supposed to be knocked out and our military is supposed to be crippled by these creatures.

An Airborne Radio Frequency Will Cause Humans To Become Zombies: It is said that a radio frequency will come from the sky on 12/21/2012 and that it will cause all that have been infected with a type of poison or with a dormant agent that resides within their bloodstream, to become zombies with the flip of a switch. It is also said that a foreign power will be behind the attack and that they have launched a satellite into space that will cause the humans to become a horde of attacking zombies that will be unstoppable. The zombies are supposed to continue to ravage and to burn and to pillage until the radio frequency is turned off.

I don’t know what your 12/21/2012 will be like, but I plan to see Jack Reacher, and I also plan to have Filet Mignon as I mentioned during the episode.

The Demon In The Hallway

A woman moved into a home that was previously torn down and that was rebuilt from the ground up, and believing that she had a home that no one else had ever lived in, she ignored the noises that started up five days after she moved in. The noises were attributed to wild life since the home is in a wooded area. Well, as you’ll hear while listening to the episode, her purse would be moved from room to room and the covers were pulled off of her and they flew across the room and when she tried to get away she felt a female presence grab her by the arm in an attempt to keep her from leaving the bed. The woman eventually broke free and when she ran into the hallway she was confronted by a male demon that had horns and razor sharp teeth and when she tried to take off in the other direction she found herself surrounded by the spirits that had previously practiced the dark arts inside the home that had been torn down and rebuilt. The demon through the woman across the room and viciously assaulted her prior to raping her while the evil human spirits stood in the corner while offering an endless cackle.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Nineteen

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 11/28/2012

The Hans Glasser Wood-Cut Of 1566

In this particular episode I provide more information about the 04/14/1561 Nuremberg UFO sighting that took place in 16th Century Germany, and I also explain that the residents witnessed a frightful sight that was cylindrical in nature. In addition, I also mention that the objects were red, black, orange, and blue white and that there were disks as well as globes and crosses and tubes that resembled cannon barrels. I also go on to talk about what some people are saying about World War III. Plus I explain that Charlemagne represents the First Reich and that we had the Second Reich as well as the Third Reich and that it stands to reason that we’re going to have a Fourth Reich. I also touch on what’s currently happening inside Poland as it relates to the ruling that prevents the Jews from adhering to the laws of Kashrut which have to do with Jews only consuming Kosher meat. The fact that the animal must be stunned before its throat is slit automatically makes the animal’s meat un-Kosher since Shechitah has to do with the animal being conscious while its throat is slit. The animal loses conscious after the slit, which makes the meat Kosher. A professional is the only one that is allowed to perform this particular procedure.

When the Nazis were in charge of Poland they prevented the Jews from practicing certain aspects of their religion.

The Big Foot Sighting That Took Place In Pine Bluff Arkansas

I explain that a man was sitting on his porch when a Big Foot suddenly crystalized right in front of him. The man stated that the hairs on his head became tight and that he couldn’t move. He also stated that the Big Foot turned and stared him dead in the face prior to moving on. This particular gentleman was absolutely freaked out by his uncanny encounter since he couldn’t move and since he was someone that had never believed any of the stories that had been told about Big Foot. This same man was also someone that never gave very much thought to anything that had to do with the paranormal; however, he received a rude awakening when that Big Foot suddenly materialized right in front of him. The victim wanted to tear down the front door to his house, however, he couldn’t move despite seeing the Big Foot that had just come out of nowhere prior to staring him in the face.

Why Some People Believe That Seeing A Big Foot Is A Bad Omen

I explain why some people believe that seeing a Big Foot is a bad omen. There have been quite a few incidents that have taken place after one has seen a Big Foot, and I was out camping one summer when I saw a black Big Foot, however, no one wanted to accept the fact that I had seen what I was describing and I believe that they were trying to protect me since they know how some people are treated after they come forward and talk about certain paranormal experiences that they’ve had, which only demonstrates the naysayer’s lack of understanding and their overall immaturity. My sighting happened when I was nine years old and I haven’t seen one since and there were other children around that also bore witness to the same Big Foot, however, we all thought that the Big Foot was something fun since we didn’t know any better.

One particular Big Foot sighting that took place in Pine Bluff Arkansas was accompanied by tragedy as I describe during the episode and what you’ll hear is that a man heard a rap at the door while he was home alone and when he opened the door a bear was standing on its hind legs and he hit the man so hard that the force decapitated him and his head rolled a few feet away from where his body was standing. The man’s head was gone, but the body remained in place for a few minutes according to the witnesses. The bear then got down on all fours and left the area. This caused many residents to pack their bags prior to leaving the area and you’ll be interested in hearing what I have to say about the feeling that the man experienced after seeing the Big Foot and prior to being killed by the bear. The victim thought that it was one of his neighbors that was knocking at the door and never suspected that it was a bear. My grandfather was one of the residents that left the area since he and others didn’t need any more convincing.

This particular Big Foot sighting proved to be a bad omen like the others before it because you see a great deal of people that have seen a Big Foot describe having uncanny experiences shortly thereafter.

The Demon That Appeared During Monday Night Football

A man was sitting on the couch while eating popcorn and while enjoying a beer and he was really getting into the game when a pitch black demon with reddish orange eyes suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The frightened man began to yell and his wife suddenly came out of the kitchen area and seeing the demon the husband and wife evacuated the living room with the speed of a fast moving tornado and they retreated to the bedroom where the man of the house kept his fire arm. However, before he could load the weapon the male demon grabbed him by the shirt and he threw him across the room and he landed on a dresser which he demolished, and before he could recover from being thrown across the room back first, the demon began to choke him and as he was fighting for his life while calling for help, the demon suddenly stopped after his five year old son came into the room and said, “Daddy what’s wrong with mommy?” The child heard his mother screaming and crying and in his innocence he entered the master bedroom to see what was wrong and the demon dematerialized which amounted to him leaving through a portal which is how he first entered the home.

The aforementioned victim’s mother was a practitioner of the darks arts and I explain that sometimes the price of practicing black magic is the price of the person’s first born son or daughter. I also explain that a woman that was practicing the dark arts for financial gain lost her son once he reached a certain age. The boy was heading for greatness, however, once he reached a certain age no one could tell him anything and he got mixed up with gangs and wound up getting life in prison even though he didn’t commit the crime. The price of wealth was the woman’s first born son even though she stopped practicing the black magic. You see the debt was still owed and the dark forces weren’t going to stop until they collected on it and this is why people must be careful when dealing with the dark arts. Also, while reading something of an esoteric nature, or a book that was written by a man like Hitler, one should definitely consider lighting a white candle prior to reading the document which includes certain documents that have been written by devious individuals that have plans that detail how they’re going to create mass chaos and how they’re going to conquer the entire world through deceit and through sorcery and through technology and through unbridled military action. The white candle or candles should remain lit until the reading is concluded.

The information that relates to lighting a white candle is known as protecting oneself or as placing a protective ring around oneself, and you may indeed see a dark shadow that suddenly flies past the white candle since the entity that’s normally invisible to you knows that it cannot influence you and that you’ve placed a ring of protection around yourself. You won’t find this sort of information on the evening news and this is why you always see white candles burning inside Catholic Churches while priests are conducting the mass. Certain people in radio and in television and that don’t have this particular knowledge have been conquered and defeated by dark entities and by those that practice the dark arts simply by reading that which is forbidden and that which was not intended for them.

Some of the documents that have been read by those in radio and in television and that are referred to as leaked documents were purposely given to the individual, so that he or she could become secretly possessed by dark forces prior to being controlled and contained which ultimately limits their overall ability to accomplish other things such as traveling to foreign countries and covering breaking news and esoteric groups that generally meet in secret and that practice the dark arts behind closed doors. The practice of surreptitiously slipping the unsuspecting victim certain leaked or loaded documents that will cause them to become possessed is known as introducing the person to a “Dark Trojan Horse” since the unsuspecting victim or victims genuinely believe that the person that’s supplying the information is actually on their side when nothing can be further from the truth. The information was given to them, so that the dark entities could enter their minds and bodies without them knowing it and so that everyone that’s around them would begin to exhibit the same kind of unsavory behaviors of possession. The victims of the “Dark Trojan Horse” are often driven insane and their unchecked desire for the truth will even cause them to make up certain things which damages their credibility and which paints them as a madman that screams in the dark and that sees the bogeyman at every turn.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Eighteen

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 11/14/2012

Congratulations!!! To President Barack Obama

In this episode I take the time to thank the listeners and to congratulate President Barack Obama on his recent re-election victory since this is the first show that I’m doing since the election that took place on 11/06/2012. I also state that the president has four more years to continue the work that he started and that I expect the economy to improve as well as the whole of America.

The UFOs That Appeared On 11/06 And 11/07 Of 2012

In the following episode I mention the three Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft that appeared in the Northeastern skies of Santa Fe Springs California shortly after the polls closed in California. The UFOs appeared at approximately 8:30PM on 11/06/2012 and they were hovering over the city of Santa Fe Springs California and they were juxtaposed, meaning they were side by side. The unhidden UFOs were not satellites as I clarify during the broadcast, and I also ask whether or not there has ever been a time when three satellites have appeared in the sky at the same time. Since satellites occupy different areas of space and must pass at a certain time to avoid collisions, how is it possible for three satellites to be juxtaposed over California is the question that I pose to the naysayers since they claim that we’re merely viewing satellites? The three brightly lit metallic aircraft were not helicopters or airplanes. They were alien aircraft that were not manufactured on the planet earth despite what some might believe.

In addition, another Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft was seen in the Eastern sky of Cerritos California at approximately 11:30PM and what’s interesting about this particular aircraft is the fact that it replaced a smaller Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft that was seen on a nightly basis. No one knows why this much larger spacecraft has replaced the smaller one that was seen to change positions from time to time and that would often hide itself behind a set of trees. The smaller alien aircraft would also switch from the Eastern sky to the Northern sky while it was being observed, and it would also increase its altitude while being tracked by myself and by others that were observing it.

On 11/07/2012 at approximately 2:30AM another UFO or Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft was spotted over the skies of Cerritos California and it was near the intersections of Norwalk Blvd. and South Street. This particular aircraft had absolutely no concern for humans. It had no fear of us or of any aircraft possibly being dispatched to the area. The aircraft was not speeding or whizzing or zooming or flying through the area. It was hovering without any fear of any kind.

The Ghosts Of Puebla Mexico

I mention the results of a paranormal investigation which was coupled with an interview, and I also mention the process that I follow before conducting an interview. Before I conduct an interview I ask whether or not there’s a history of illegal drug use and whether or not the person has ever taken any pharmaceutical grade psychotropic drugs that are known to cause hallucinations. I also inquire about any ancestral or hereditary mental health issues, and I also ask whether or not there have been any problems with alcohol consumption. Plus I inquire about any traumatic head injuries or traumatic experiences, meaning any recent or past kidnappings that resulted in torture and that may have occurred in a foreign country or that might have been the result of an illegal operation that has taken place inside the United States since drug cartels are known to kidnap citizens and to torture them to no end. Everything checked out and the Mexican national that I interviewed was visiting the United States and he told me about the ghosts of Puebla Mexico. The residents of Puebla Mexico continue to hear gun fire in the middle of the night and they also hear horses running or galloping as well as voices that are in English and in Spanish and the ghostly soldiers that are fighting were participants in the Mexican American War or in the U.S. Mexico War that took place between 1846 and 1848. The Mexican American War took place after the annexation of Texas in 1845 even though the 1836 Texas revolution had already taken place between the Mexican Government and between the Texas Colonists. The Eternal Protoplasmic Projections or ghostly soldiers are still fighting in what historians call the Siege of Puebla, which put Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Childs, who was charged with protecting the convent and Fort Loretto and the Citadel of San Jose, at odds with General Joaquin Rea and General Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna. The battle for control of Puebla Mexico never ceased and it continues to this very day, however, the Republic of Texas was established and General Rea and General Santa Anna were defeated in subsequent battles that took place in other parts of Mexico.

The Female Ghost In The Park

At the age of seven years old I happened to be meandering through a local park while doing what seven year olds often do when I happened upon a seventeen year old that was smoking inside the park. The older kid was standing next to a tree and he looked at me and laughed like look at me I’m cool, however, his laughter didn’t last for long because the cigarette mysteriously came out of his hand all on its own and I saw the bottom of the lengthy cigarette lighting up in midair and I also saw smoke being discharged in the air so I could tell that there was something that was on the other end of the cigarette even though I couldn’t readily see it. The seventeen year old African American male was speechless and he was in a near catatonic state and a long haired Caucasian or white female Eternal Protoplasmic Projection or ghost that was wearing a business suit suddenly appeared out of thin air and she took the black male by the right hand before placing the cigarette between his fingers and she was laughing as he almost fainted. After taking a few steps the phantom suddenly disappeared into thin air and as the teenager looked over at me and realized that I had witnessed the entire event he threw the cigarette to the ground before extinguishing it and before running away. Listen to the full description by clicking the link below.

The Naked Ghost That Road On Horse Back

In this episode I describe what happened when a middle aged man was preparing to retire for the night. The man suddenly heard his horses getting worked up and when he went to investigate he saw the barn doors flying open and his horses scattering. The man also noticed that all but one of the horses was running in the same direction and he suddenly saw a naked white female ghost riding on the back of his black horse. And the Eternal Protoplasmic Projection seemed to be having a good time. I go on to describe how the horses didn’t want to return to the barn.


I explain what a Walk-in is and when it was first described. The term Walk-in which some describe as a Break-in was first introduced in 1979 and it has to do with another spirit completely taking over an occupied body or using the body to complete some unfinished work. The Declaration of Independence is said to have been accomplished through a Walk-in. I describe my personal experience with Walk-ins and how I battled with a white male spirit that tried to occupy my body. Plus I explain that people that are constantly depressed and sad are susceptible to Walk-ins or to Break-ins. In addition, I talk about parents who have described their children as being different; meaning the child that left for school is not the same child that returned home. The child experienced a Walk-in or a Break-in while away from home and another spirit either expelled the original child’s spirit or is suppressing the original child’s spirit while it takes over the body. You will also hear me talk about how some Walk-ins seek revenge on the living and how some people get into trouble for crimes that they otherwise wouldn’t have committed. A Walk-in is completely different from demonic possession because it has to do with a human spirit occupying a human body.

Astral Projection

I talk about Astral Projecting as a child and about how an old woman told me to be careful since spirits will often steel your body once they see that it is unoccupied because you’re Astral Projecting. I also talked about traveling to other worlds as a child. Astral Projecting will allow you to do this, but you have to be careful otherwise you won’t be able to return to your body because another spirit might steel it while you’re away. Have you ever gotten up out of bed and walked into the restroom only to return to your bedroom where you find your body still lying inside the bed even though you used the restroom and washed your hands? Have you ever lain down on your body only to have your spirit reconnect with it after discovering that your physical body was still inside the bed and that only your spirit left the room? Astral Projection can either be involuntary or voluntary. I encountered all manner of human beings while traveling as a child and I also encountered various creatures and an old woman followed me back to the earth during one of my Astral Projections since they collectively wondered where I was from and how I had entered their world as an eight year old child. In these other worlds you will be in full physical form and can converse with others while carrying on the very same activities. Children are especially capable of doing this and adults that used to do it as children often confuse their lucid dreams with Astral Projections and they wonder why they have symptoms from the dream, meaning lipstick or foreign scents or even articles of unusual clothing.

I was told as a child that if you fall inside a dream you will die an earthly death. I fell off a ten story building while in my Astral Body and I bounced approximately three times and I got up and I started to walk around and I continued on my way without exhibiting any effects of the fall. I also fell inside a dream and didn’t die, so a lot of what we’re told as children is false.


I mention the fact that I have precognition and that it runs in my family, and I also talk about seeing certain events before they unfold and how I saw the outcome of the recent presidential election as well as the present day and age that we’re currently living in. I saw the days that we’re living in as a child while standing inside my kitchen. My precognition will either come through a dream or I can be wide awake. It’s like receiving a special transmission and it plays out just like a high definition movie. I have had dreams where certain people were gathered and where certain statements were made and the same exact scene has played out within one to three days of the dream, and sometimes the events will happen within hours and especially if I see the event while I’m wide awake. When I was an adolescent and a teenager I would sense earthquakes approximately ten to fifteen minutes before they would happen and sometimes I would wake up knowing that there was going to be an earthquake and this would give me hours and sometimes days to prepare.

As children and as teenagers humans often have a lot of abilities that seem to leave them with age while others get stronger.

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.


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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Seventeen

Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Seventeen

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 10/24/2012

The Battle Of Los Angeles

In this particular episode I provide a number of details that have never been heard prior to 10/24/2012. The details that you’ll hear while listening to the audio file will be news to you due to the limited amount of people who were interviewed during the 1940s and due to the less than enlightened news organizations that were unwilling to interview certain people that they didn’t view as being credible due to their physical characteristics. Now before I get into the details let me just point out a few things that I researched prior to conducting the interviews that I’m going to talk about in due course. On the night of February 24th,1942 a number of UFOs or Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft were spotted while they were moving through the skies that were directly over Southern California and these non-terrestrial airships caused a considerable amount of terror as thousands of Greater Los Angeles residents began to stare at the sky as they heard the air raid sirens and the artillery that was being propelled from the ground. The air raid sirens and the explosions got everyone’s undivided attention because they immediately thought that Los Angeles was being attacked by a group of Japanese fighters since the Pearl Harbor attack had only happened about three months before The battle of Los Angeles or before The Great Air Raid of Los Angeles. Everything unfolded between February 24th and February 25th and six people were declared dead and 1500 shells were used during the fight with the Extraterrestrial aircraft that seemed impervious to what we were throwing at it. The deaths were attributed to tumbling shrapnel and to automobile accidents as well as to sheer terror or fright as most reporters referred to it as back then.

Now what you’ve just finished reading is what was meant for general consumption, however, I had the honor and the privilege of interviewing five African Americans that were aged 10 to 14 years old when the incident first took place and I interviewed them because I wanted to get a different perspective, and I’m glad that I did because the three men and two women provided a wealth of information that would have never been known. The aforementioned interview was conducted in the summer of 1992 and by then the witnesses were 60 and above and they were no longer afraid to discuss what had happened between February 24th and 25th. And you’ll hear exactly what they told me about certain Caucasian soldiers coming into the black community and questioning everyone about what they saw, and you’ll also hear what caused the blacks to become fearful after the battle that took place between the US Military and between the Extraterrestrials as well as what they saw and how they gained bits and pieces of information from several black males that had ties to the US Military and who had successfully used a pair of government issued binoculars to see the Extraterrestrial aircraft that the soldiers were battling. In addition, you’ll hear how certain activities were halted for a while due to the fear that gripped Los Angeles. The individual human experience is what we really need to know as well as what caused the fear that the blacks experienced and what happened during and immediately after The Great Air Raid of Los Angeles. Our reactions would be no different today than they were back then if the Extraterrestrials were to start to exert their air superiority and if hundreds of battles were to break out in every state in the union. Remember I’m the one that tweeted that no state in the union will be safe and that the Extraterrestrial invasion will not be televised. The Battle of Los Angeles was not televised and if the Extraterrestrials had decided to start a “North American Conflict” then all fifty states would have been involved and old men would be telling their grandchildren about the “North American Conflict” that the Americans engaged in as a unified people and that both black and white stood together against the invading army after the Extraterrestrials declared war on Los Angeles by bringing in more and more aircraft. There wouldn’t have been a dry eye in the news room and every man would have instantly become his brother’s keeper because our very survival would have depended on it and foolish disagreements would have quickly disappeared from our collective minds as men and women called to their neighbors for assistance and for shelter and for food and water.

The witnesses that I interviewed weren’t the only source of information for The Battle of Los Angeles because my grandfather who was a Texan and a Mason and a Foreman on his job and who was born in 1911 was living in Los Angeles when the battle took place between the US Military and between the Extraterrestrials and when I was just a boy we would discuss what would have happened had the Extraterrestrials returned with more ships like the ones that he saw and what you’ve just finished reading about every man becoming his brother’s keeper is a glimpse of what my grandfather and I would discuss and it’s also what he would discuss with other blacks and with the whites that were around when The Battle Of Los Angeles got underway. My grandfather never forgot what he saw or what others saw or their reactions and he stated that the churches were filled to capacity on Sundays after the battle that took place over Los Angeles and although he died several years ago I’ll never forget the talks that we had when I was a child and I’m just glad that I was able to obtain his testimony before it had a chance to follow him to the grave.

The blacks that lived in the affected area during and after The Battle of Los Angeles were terrified because they witnessed their white neighbors being afraid for the very first time in their lives and this is why the churches were packed and why certain black churches played host to a number of white Christians that wanted to hear the Gospel since many thought that the world was going to come to an end due to the Extraterrestrial spaceships that were seen by hundreds if not by thousands. There was no shortage of eyewitnesses because everyone got out of bed once they heard the air raid sirens and the explosions and if truth be told men like my grandfather and like the eyewitnesses that were children at the time were up reading and checking on the house and periodically looking out the window since they knew that the country was at war with the Japanese.

The Ubiquitous Ancient Evidence For UFOs And Extraterrestrials

In the following episode I mention a number of paintings that depict real life UFOs and aliens. I also mention the 1680 Jeton which is the French equivalent of a casino piece or marker or poker chip and by listening to the following episode you will learn a great deal about the compelling evidence for UFOs and Extraterrestrials. Plus you’ll learn where many of these items are presently located and when they were first created. I learned all of these things and many, many more while attending college and I decided to detail some of the ubiquitous historical evidence that cannot be disputed by the scientists or by the modern-day journalists or by the high-powered news agencies that claim that there’s no such thing as UFOs and Extraterrestrials. Now a number of the things that I will detail below were contained in a text-book that I had to have for a Humanities class that I elected to take, and the text-book also talked about the Anunnaki and their connection to the Sumerians, and I learned what I know about the Anunnaki by attending a school of higher education and the college text-book was not written by the late Zacharia Sitchin and I point this out because most people think that Zacharia Sitchin was the first and only person to start writing about the Anunnaki and that no one else ever delved into the topic. Well, this simply isn’t true and anyone that has obtained a higher level of education outside of broadcasting and journalism will get a good chuckle if someone sites Zacharia Sitchin because as a class we also learned about the Early Bronze Age cuneiform that consisted of roughly 1000 characters and also about the Late Bronze Age Hittite cuneiform that consists of roughly 400 characters and I’ve actually seen several ancient clay tablets that contain the wedge writing, so when you hear me talking about UFOs and Extraterrestrials and other Paranormal Entities or writing about them, it doesn’t have anything to do with what someone else has written or talked about. I talk about first hand independent research and about real life experiences and about certain discoveries and about certain observations that I started to make as an enterprising energetic seven year old child that was full of might and a healthy dose of curiosity. Do your own research. Don’t just follow what someone else says just because they’ve been in all of the major newspapers or because they’ve been on television or because they’ve appeared on a nationally syndicated radio show that boasts of millions and millions of listeners because it doesn’t mean that they’re correct.

Now before I begin to list the various historical items that speak to the undeniable existence of UFOs and Extraterrestrials, let me first start off by posing a few questions to the presumptuous scientists and to the hypercritical laymen and women that make up the mainstream media as well as certain portions of the alternative media, and who I might add claim that UFOs and Extraterrestrials aren’t real and that those that acknowledge their existence are clinically insane. What is the underline environmental reason that causes certain people to see UFOs and Extraterrestrials when they aren’t there? And if you claim that the so-called misconceptions or societal delusions aren’t caused by an environmental reason and that they’re genetically based; pray tell what the genetic connection is between the Africans and between the Europeans that have been seeing UFOs and Extraterrestrials and that haven’t engaged in miscegenation and that strictly adhere to the principles of endogamy? In addition, if those that witnessed UFOs and Extraterrestrials thousands of years ago were insane, how did the insanity get passed down to us since many of us are also seeing and experiencing the very same things that the ancients freely talked about and that they also purposely and consciously painted and drew and wrote numerous articles/texts about? While you’re busy figuring out a solution/fabrication to cover the previous questions let me pose another one. How can you possibly begin to account for this quote-on-quote mass psychosis that seems to defy time itself and that knows no racial limits and that some in your own ranks have even reported as being factual? When will you begin to use your five senses like the twenty million plus people who have already reported seeing this timeless and mystifying phenomenon that can be traced all the way back to the Sumerians who lived long before you and others came on the scene? When you look back at the Sumerian periods what do you see? I see accounts of children being buried with their dogs. Aren’t children being laid to rest with their animals in this day and age? I also see that a child got in trouble for poor penmanship. I remember getting in trouble for poor penmanship while I was in school and I also remember getting in trouble with my parents once the school informed them. Plus I got in trouble with my uncle who served during the Vietnam War. Perhaps you might want to check the Sumerian periods of 5700 B.C.E. and 5900 B.C.E. Why not just check everything so you can see that we’re no different today than they were back then.

Kimberley Australia: there are several Aboriginal or Aborigine cave paintings that are approximately 3 to 5,000 years old and they clearly depict the presence of aliens or Extraterrestrial Beings. Plus the Aboriginal belief system integrates the idea of sky beings with the Wandjina that can be seen all over the northern portion of Kimberley Australia. The indigenous people of Australia know what they’re talking about and what they saw and this why their oral traditions continue to this very day. The Aborigines are wise to keep their traditions.

Windsor Castle: Thomas and Paul Sandby were standing on the terrace of Windsor Castle when they suddenly saw a UFO that appeared before them while they were innocently conversing with two other witnesses. The incident happened at 9:45PM on 08-17-1783 and the Extraterrestrial craft in question had a light that lit up the earth that was directly underneath it and despite what you might have heard about this particular incident, meteors don’t stand still and they certainly don’t have lights that are capable of lighting up the soil beneath them. Let us employ a little deductive reasoning while we still have breath and while we still have the unblemished faculties to do so.

The 1680 French Jeton: as previously stated the Jeton is the equivalent of a casino piece or marker or a poker chip and these coins or monetary substitutes were used for games and there’s a Latin inscription on the aforementioned Jeton and it reads as follows. “It is here at an opportune time.”

Tanzania Africa: there are two 29,000 year old cave paintings that depict UFOs and Extraterrestrials. The one in the Itolo region depicts several disk-shaped objects that are in flight and the second one that’s in the Kolo region clearly shows four aliens or Extraterrestrial Entities that are surrounding a woman. The female is being grabbed by the aliens that are closest to her and you can see them making contact with her arms. What terror this woman must have felt since you can easily deduce from the painting that she wasn’t a willing participant due to the way that the Extraterrestrial Entities are all ganging up on her. We see the very same thing today when a group of Extraterrestrial Entities abduct one of our fellow humans for experimentation or for amusement or for both because as previously stated in another post some Extraterrestrials view humans as being nothing more than curios or novelties or toys or trinkets. Now of course we don’t see ourselves as being toys or as being playthings, however, some of the Extraterrestrial Entities that are roaming our planet do and this is why you must resist them with all of your being if they try to take you because you may not be returned.

Kiev: there’s a 4 to 5,000 year old alien in a space suit. He doesn’t look like anything that’s from this world, so the question that has to be asked is where did these so-called primitive people get the idea for this non-terrestrial entity? Is this imagination or is it something that they encountered 4 to 5,000 years ago, and if it’s not an alien as many have come to believe, does its very existence mean that we had a certain group of humans that were engaged in space travel as far back as 5,000 B.C.E.? And if so, then it means that we underwent a massive reset as a species and that all of the knowledge that we previously possessed was lost and that we’re just now founding out what the ancients already knew thousands of years ago. The British Museum is an excellent place to conduct an independent investigation because you will find pieces of art that you never thought possible and that you never knew existed. The Natural History Museum in London is another place that you must visit. Pictures don’t begin to tell the full story. You have to stand in front of the piece in order to experience it for yourself and in order to pick up the incredible energy that surrounded its creation.

Egyptian Secrets And Art Work: the Ancient Black Egyptians left us a number of clues that reveal the past. For example, we can clearly see that the light bulb is not a modern-day invention and that the Egyptians had a light bulb that’s 2600 years old. Now in order to take credit for inventing something you must be the very first to do it and since the Egyptians already created the light bulb we cannot say with a straight face that the light bulb was created by an American even though this is what we were previously taught. Thank God for the various branches of science because if it were left up to the bloody evolutionists then we would never learn the truth about anything because they’re dedicated to deceiving everyone, however, there are certain disembodied forces that are beyond this realm and that have been revealing the truth to certain individuals prior to the various branches of science discovering certain items from the past, so what that means is that certain things that might be shared with the general public through news broadcast were already revealed to others years ago. Everything is nothing more than a repeat of ancient history, and speaking of ancient history, the battery is nothing new because you see the Egyptians already had a battery prior to the modern-day scientists creating one and carbon dating has revealed the age of the battery that was found inside a rock and it is approximately 500,000 years old. Don’t be deceived by the foolishness that’s coming through your television set. Try to dedicate at least an hour or two to researching the things of the past, so you can understand what’s taking place in modern times. Now since a great deal of knowledge seeking individuals won’t have the opportunity to explore the same things that I have due to the current cost of education, I specifically mention the Extraterrestrial that’s riding inside the Egyptian chariot because I want you to understand what you’re looking at and I also explain why the picture that clearly shows an alien cannot be mistaken for mannerism. You see this is why a higher level of education is so important because those that possess the knowledge cannot be so easily fooled and especially when they’ve studied more than one discipline. Take full advantage of those Pell Grants.

Chinese Reliefs And Fictional Book: I had a Chinese friend while I was in college and she showed me a drawing that revealed several reliefs that she said were found inside a maze on a Chinese Island that she called Jotuo and they clearly show a group of humans that were wearing clothing that looks like the kind of space suits that modern-day astronauts would wear. In addition, these suits appear to have oxygen hoses that would obviously be used for breathing. Plus one of the reliefs closely resembles the solar system and there were ten planets, so the tenth planet is nothing new because the ancient Chinese Relief proves that the ancients had knowledge of a tenth planet. Now the same Chinese friend and classmate also introduced me to a 1400 year old Chinese book called “Illustrated Survey of Weird Countries.” Where she got it from? I don’t know, but this 1400 A.D. book specifically stated that the people could make flying cars that traveled by wind and if this isn’t real then the Chinese must be the inventors of science fiction because the picture that I saw clearly shows people flying in cars and with bubbles on their heads for breathing and they are above livestock as well as people. I accept what she showed me to be true since there’s an infinite number of mysterious items out there that have yet to be discovered and since she didn’t open up about the reliefs or about the book until we had known each other for close to six months. Plus the items were shown to me in secret and the only condition that she made was that I not tell the rest of the students in the class since she was a foreign exchange student and feared that her visa would be taken away if word got out that she had a certain book that talked about flying cars as far back as 1400 A.D. and if anyone were to find out about the tenth planet that was being talked about on one of the reliefs. The information about the reliefs was apparently circulating throughout her family and they had obtained certain papers that revealed what was on the reliefs. My friend was not allowed to give me one of the copies, but she had no problem showing them to me just as long as I didn’t tell anyone about the reliefs or about the book. I have  never closed myself off from any particular culture and have always respected their traditions and this is why I’ve been able to find out certain things that the average person wouldn’t be privy to since secrecy is often required. In addition to my Chinese friend and classmate I also had a female teacher that realized that I was interested in ancient art work and in much, much more than just the mundane, and instantly recognizing my maturity at a young age and my overall appetite for knowledge she provided me with certain books that were not part of the curriculum and that were from her day and that she obtained from overseas and from other states and this is how I gained knowledge about a number of the things that are just being talked about today.

Germany 1697: on 11/04/1697 two UFOs that were described as glowing wheels suddenly appeared in the skies over Hamburg, Germany and if we are to believe the official report about the Wright Brothers being the first to take flight in late 1903, how do we then begin to explain what was seen in 1697? I wish that there were more teachers like the teacher that gave me the books to read because more and more people would come to understand what we’re really dealing with, and they would also come to realize that the aforementioned 17th Century encounter demonstrates that the Germans had many more encounters with an Extraterrestrial presence than most people might imagine.

Haratonohama Hitachi Japan: in 1803 which is 100 years before the Wright Brothers took flight, a UFO that was described as having strange writing and a crew was seen over Haratonohama Hitachi Japan and it was said to be constructed of metal and glass and the question that I have is whether or not there were any independent humans or recognized governments that were flying aircrafts in 1803? My research suggests that no one from our planet was roaming the skies, so unless the entire world experienced a collective nervous breakdown that no one seems to remember or knows about, it means that this UFO sighting really happened and that the description is accurate because one must remember that this is well before the Japanese culture was influenced by American culture and by the American based “Gloomy Gus” types that ridicule the vast majority of people who explain what they saw. The aforementioned wet blankets didn’t exist in the ancient world because people were more enlightened back then. Pessimists weren’t allowed to rule the society with their biased highly critical news articles that are nothing more than “Worrywart Pieces.”

Nuremberg UFO Sighting: on 04/14/1561 several UFOs appeared in the sky and are said to have engaged in battle with one another and as I stated during the program one has to wonder whether or not this had anything to do with the Nazis being tried at Nuremberg. Could these 16th Century Extraterrestrials have prompted the Nazis to start a World War that resembled the battle that was seen in the sky? Or could this unusual encounter with the battling Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft have been a type of prophecy or a harbinger of certain things that were to come, meaning did the battle in the sky reveal that the Nazis would one day come out of Germany and that they would fight in World War II prior to being defeated despite their advanced technology? Does the appearance of Extraterrestrials and Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft in our time mean that we are headed for disaster as a species? There’s a lot that we don’t know about the Nazis or about their plan to conquer the world since a great deal of the Nazis were never tried and simply disappeared.

The Annunciation Painting With Saint Emidius: the following painting was created by Carlo Crivelli in 1486 and if you take a look at the sky that’s directly above the buildings you will clearly see a UFO or an Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft, and the question that everyone should be asking themselves is why there’s a spacecraft in the picture and why Mr. Crivelli felt the need to add it to this particular picture? We should also ask ourselves what the painter was trying to convey to future generations since human nature tells us that if this were not an accepted phenomena or ordinary occurrence of the day, then the naysayers would be behaving just like they are today, however, we have no evidence of anyone that tried to stop the artists from depicting Extraterrestrials and UFOs or Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft. The fact that Carlo Crivelli and others were allowed to paint UFOs and Extraterrestrial Beings without ridicule and without being slandered and without their art work being destroyed by the authorities or by the devout Christian laymen of their day tells us that we have regressed as a species since we automatically ridicule those that are simply talking about what was depicted long before the modern-day humans that sport white lab coats and coffee mugs and laptop computers were even a thought in the minds of their parents. This should tell you something because any artist that tries to insert UFOs or Extraterrestrial Beings in a painting that is produced today won’t be taken serious and he or she will be ridiculed by others and marginalized by the press, and given the knowledge that I currently possess about the past and about the present, I would be remiss if I didn’t provide the following information and if I didn’t pose the kinds of questions that are designed to cause you to think about the world that you’re presently living in and about the world that our collective ancestors lived in.

We are experiencing the very same phenomena as those in the past and it is my contention that all human civilizations that are born into the world must undergo a period of UFOs and Extraterrestrials who are also referred to in certain enlightened circles as the gods. They want us to know that we aren’t the only ones and that our activities are being monitored and that they are superior to us in knowledge and in technology. Are they our duly appointed prison guards?

The Crucifixion Painting: this particular 1350 painting/fresco that’s above the altar at the Visoki Monestary in Kosovo Yugoslavia clearly shows Jesus Christ being flanked by two Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft and one has to wonder why this was added to the painting and why these technologically deprived people who didn’t have the ability to fly were even considering such high concepts? What did they know? What is the underline reason for why these things are being purposely covered up by the powers that be and by those that give the grade school children and the high school children and the college students books that they know will not reveal the truth about our origins or about what really happened in the past between humans and Extraterrestrials? Was the devastation that we suffered at the hands of the Extraterrestrials so bad that we dare not remember it? Shall there indeed be another show down between the humans and the Extraterrestrials in the not too distant future? Our electrical signature and electronics are the reason that we’re being more closely monitored and that certain sensitive sites are being tampered with since our advances in technology means that we have risen from the ashes that they left us in after The Cosmic EMP.

Inca Ceramic Artifacts: the ancient Incas are responsible for creating startling Extraterrestrial style aircraft. If the Incas were as primitive as we are told that they were why were they even considering these highly advanced concepts that only sophisticated men and women like ourselves can conceive of since we’re supposed to believe that everyone else that lived before us is nothing more than a beast of the field? The Incas had knowledge about flying machines and could it be that the European explorers killed all of the keepers of the books and stole their advanced aeronautical technology and that they also did the very same thing to the Africans and to the other civilizations that they conquered prior to reverse engineering their technology over hundreds of years and repackaging it as their own? Why are we being lied to about UFOs and Extraterrestrials and why are we being told that certain people created certain things that they did not? Are all of these advanced technologies simply being repackaged as new inventions when they’re really from the ancient advanced civilizations like the Ancient Black Egyptians and like the Incas and others?

Ecuadorian Alien Astronaut Sculpture: today there’s an ancient Ecuadorian alien astronaut sculpture that closely resembles the kind of space suits that are being used by our modern-day astronauts. Why would these primitive people even conceive of such a suit? What was their inspiration? Why would it be necessary to develop this type of suit if one weren’t planning to leave the earth by means of an earth built spacecraft or by means of an Extraterrestrial spacecraft that was coming to pick them up?

War of 776: the manuscript that’s known as Annales Laurissenses explains what happened during the siege of Sigiburg Castle. The Saxons had the French surrounded when a flaming disk suddenly appeared in the sky and fearing that the UFO and that the Extraterrestrial Beings were there to help the besieged French, the Saxons fled the scene and no one really knows what the world would be like if the Saxons had stayed the course just like no one really knows what would have happened had the Extraterrestrials returned with more spaceships after they were fired upon during the night of February 24th 1942. I seriously doubt that we would have experienced the turbulent sixties and seventies because some of us would most likely be fighting the good fight from a series of underground tunnels while the Extraterrestrials continue to set up permanent bases on our planet as we’re struggling to build better weapons since we would be stuck with 1940’s era guns and artillery that was certainly useful against the Nazis but that’s no match for a sophisticated Extraterrestrial power. Despite what you might think; we were spared and everyone in Los Angeles that was going to church during the 1940s and 50s knows it.

UFOs and Extraterrestrial Beings are always seen during times of great conflict and although you haven’t heard it reported in the mainstream media or in the alternative media for that matter, Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft as well as alien life forms were seen in South Central Los Angeles during the 1980s when the Bloods and the Crips were at war with one another over drug territory. In addition, I did another episode wherein I talked about a pair of Extraterrestrial aircraft that visited Anaheim California. This particular area has a group of Hispanic gangs that are at war with one another and other parts of America that have seen increased incidents of police shootings are also being visited by UFOs and by Extraterrestrials. The UFOs seem to just be observing for now and I’ve been tracking their presence for years and know that they’re attracted to these particular areas of conflict and that it doesn’t take a major war to cause them to appear. I visited the Anaheim area late at night after the recent shooting and during the civil unrest that followed and I spotted several UFOs that were hovering over the area. The Starbucks was one of the places that I spotted a UFO.

I’m breaking this news for the very first time.

The Ghosts Of Guam

I mention what happened after I spotted a pastor inside a restaurant that I was frequenting. The pastor seemed to be frightened, so I approached his table and asked whether or not he was alright and at first he said that he was fine, but later confessed that he really wasn’t. The pastor and I started talking and he confessed to me that he had to leave Guam for a while where he works and lives as a pastor. During the conversation I learned that the pastor left for supernatural reasons and I advised him that I knew about the World War II ghosts that continue to fight one another, however, he explained that these particular ghosts aren’t the same as the ones that we’re normally used to. The pastor then advised me that the ghosts are called Taotaomona and that the Chamorro people say that the ghosts are their ancestors. The ghosts that dwell on Guam are also referred to as Zombie Ghosts because they have decaying bodies and according to the pastor they growl and scream in the caves at night and they also live in the jungle. The pastor was trembling while he was talking about the Zombie Ghosts and he stated that he happened to be watching television when one of the Taotaomona suddenly appeared outside his bedroom window which immediately caused him to retreat and when he went downstairs to try to exit the house he noticed that there were more of the Taotaomona that were standing outside his home and two of the four didn’t have heads. I go into more details on the audio file and I also mention the Latte Stones. Have a Happy Halloween!

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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