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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Seventeen

Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Seventeen

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 10/24/2012

The Battle Of Los Angeles

In this particular episode I provide a number of details that have never been heard prior to 10/24/2012. The details that you’ll hear while listening to the audio file will be news to you due to the limited amount of people who were interviewed during the 1940s and due to the less than enlightened news organizations that were unwilling to interview certain people that they didn’t view as being credible due to their physical characteristics. Now before I get into the details let me just point out a few things that I researched prior to conducting the interviews that I’m going to talk about in due course. On the night of February 24th,1942 a number of UFOs or Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft were spotted while they were moving through the skies that were directly over Southern California and these non-terrestrial airships caused a considerable amount of terror as thousands of Greater Los Angeles residents began to stare at the sky as they heard the air raid sirens and the artillery that was being propelled from the ground. The air raid sirens and the explosions got everyone’s undivided attention because they immediately thought that Los Angeles was being attacked by a group of Japanese fighters since the Pearl Harbor attack had only happened about three months before The battle of Los Angeles or before The Great Air Raid of Los Angeles. Everything unfolded between February 24th and February 25th and six people were declared dead and 1500 shells were used during the fight with the Extraterrestrial aircraft that seemed impervious to what we were throwing at it. The deaths were attributed to tumbling shrapnel and to automobile accidents as well as to sheer terror or fright as most reporters referred to it as back then.

Now what you’ve just finished reading is what was meant for general consumption, however, I had the honor and the privilege of interviewing five African Americans that were aged 10 to 14 years old when the incident first took place and I interviewed them because I wanted to get a different perspective, and I’m glad that I did because the three men and two women provided a wealth of information that would have never been known. The aforementioned interview was conducted in the summer of 1992 and by then the witnesses were 60 and above and they were no longer afraid to discuss what had happened between February 24th and 25th. And you’ll hear exactly what they told me about certain Caucasian soldiers coming into the black community and questioning everyone about what they saw, and you’ll also hear what caused the blacks to become fearful after the battle that took place between the US Military and between the Extraterrestrials as well as what they saw and how they gained bits and pieces of information from several black males that had ties to the US Military and who had successfully used a pair of government issued binoculars to see the Extraterrestrial aircraft that the soldiers were battling. In addition, you’ll hear how certain activities were halted for a while due to the fear that gripped Los Angeles. The individual human experience is what we really need to know as well as what caused the fear that the blacks experienced and what happened during and immediately after The Great Air Raid of Los Angeles. Our reactions would be no different today than they were back then if the Extraterrestrials were to start to exert their air superiority and if hundreds of battles were to break out in every state in the union. Remember I’m the one that tweeted that no state in the union will be safe and that the Extraterrestrial invasion will not be televised. The Battle of Los Angeles was not televised and if the Extraterrestrials had decided to start a “North American Conflict” then all fifty states would have been involved and old men would be telling their grandchildren about the “North American Conflict” that the Americans engaged in as a unified people and that both black and white stood together against the invading army after the Extraterrestrials declared war on Los Angeles by bringing in more and more aircraft. There wouldn’t have been a dry eye in the news room and every man would have instantly become his brother’s keeper because our very survival would have depended on it and foolish disagreements would have quickly disappeared from our collective minds as men and women called to their neighbors for assistance and for shelter and for food and water.

The witnesses that I interviewed weren’t the only source of information for The Battle of Los Angeles because my grandfather who was a Texan and a Mason and a Foreman on his job and who was born in 1911 was living in Los Angeles when the battle took place between the US Military and between the Extraterrestrials and when I was just a boy we would discuss what would have happened had the Extraterrestrials returned with more ships like the ones that he saw and what you’ve just finished reading about every man becoming his brother’s keeper is a glimpse of what my grandfather and I would discuss and it’s also what he would discuss with other blacks and with the whites that were around when The Battle Of Los Angeles got underway. My grandfather never forgot what he saw or what others saw or their reactions and he stated that the churches were filled to capacity on Sundays after the battle that took place over Los Angeles and although he died several years ago I’ll never forget the talks that we had when I was a child and I’m just glad that I was able to obtain his testimony before it had a chance to follow him to the grave.

The blacks that lived in the affected area during and after The Battle of Los Angeles were terrified because they witnessed their white neighbors being afraid for the very first time in their lives and this is why the churches were packed and why certain black churches played host to a number of white Christians that wanted to hear the Gospel since many thought that the world was going to come to an end due to the Extraterrestrial spaceships that were seen by hundreds if not by thousands. There was no shortage of eyewitnesses because everyone got out of bed once they heard the air raid sirens and the explosions and if truth be told men like my grandfather and like the eyewitnesses that were children at the time were up reading and checking on the house and periodically looking out the window since they knew that the country was at war with the Japanese.

The Ubiquitous Ancient Evidence For UFOs And Extraterrestrials

In the following episode I mention a number of paintings that depict real life UFOs and aliens. I also mention the 1680 Jeton which is the French equivalent of a casino piece or marker or poker chip and by listening to the following episode you will learn a great deal about the compelling evidence for UFOs and Extraterrestrials. Plus you’ll learn where many of these items are presently located and when they were first created. I learned all of these things and many, many more while attending college and I decided to detail some of the ubiquitous historical evidence that cannot be disputed by the scientists or by the modern-day journalists or by the high-powered news agencies that claim that there’s no such thing as UFOs and Extraterrestrials. Now a number of the things that I will detail below were contained in a text-book that I had to have for a Humanities class that I elected to take, and the text-book also talked about the Anunnaki and their connection to the Sumerians, and I learned what I know about the Anunnaki by attending a school of higher education and the college text-book was not written by the late Zacharia Sitchin and I point this out because most people think that Zacharia Sitchin was the first and only person to start writing about the Anunnaki and that no one else ever delved into the topic. Well, this simply isn’t true and anyone that has obtained a higher level of education outside of broadcasting and journalism will get a good chuckle if someone sites Zacharia Sitchin because as a class we also learned about the Early Bronze Age cuneiform that consisted of roughly 1000 characters and also about the Late Bronze Age Hittite cuneiform that consists of roughly 400 characters and I’ve actually seen several ancient clay tablets that contain the wedge writing, so when you hear me talking about UFOs and Extraterrestrials and other Paranormal Entities or writing about them, it doesn’t have anything to do with what someone else has written or talked about. I talk about first hand independent research and about real life experiences and about certain discoveries and about certain observations that I started to make as an enterprising energetic seven year old child that was full of might and a healthy dose of curiosity. Do your own research. Don’t just follow what someone else says just because they’ve been in all of the major newspapers or because they’ve been on television or because they’ve appeared on a nationally syndicated radio show that boasts of millions and millions of listeners because it doesn’t mean that they’re correct.

Now before I begin to list the various historical items that speak to the undeniable existence of UFOs and Extraterrestrials, let me first start off by posing a few questions to the presumptuous scientists and to the hypercritical laymen and women that make up the mainstream media as well as certain portions of the alternative media, and who I might add claim that UFOs and Extraterrestrials aren’t real and that those that acknowledge their existence are clinically insane. What is the underline environmental reason that causes certain people to see UFOs and Extraterrestrials when they aren’t there? And if you claim that the so-called misconceptions or societal delusions aren’t caused by an environmental reason and that they’re genetically based; pray tell what the genetic connection is between the Africans and between the Europeans that have been seeing UFOs and Extraterrestrials and that haven’t engaged in miscegenation and that strictly adhere to the principles of endogamy? In addition, if those that witnessed UFOs and Extraterrestrials thousands of years ago were insane, how did the insanity get passed down to us since many of us are also seeing and experiencing the very same things that the ancients freely talked about and that they also purposely and consciously painted and drew and wrote numerous articles/texts about? While you’re busy figuring out a solution/fabrication to cover the previous questions let me pose another one. How can you possibly begin to account for this quote-on-quote mass psychosis that seems to defy time itself and that knows no racial limits and that some in your own ranks have even reported as being factual? When will you begin to use your five senses like the twenty million plus people who have already reported seeing this timeless and mystifying phenomenon that can be traced all the way back to the Sumerians who lived long before you and others came on the scene? When you look back at the Sumerian periods what do you see? I see accounts of children being buried with their dogs. Aren’t children being laid to rest with their animals in this day and age? I also see that a child got in trouble for poor penmanship. I remember getting in trouble for poor penmanship while I was in school and I also remember getting in trouble with my parents once the school informed them. Plus I got in trouble with my uncle who served during the Vietnam War. Perhaps you might want to check the Sumerian periods of 5700 B.C.E. and 5900 B.C.E. Why not just check everything so you can see that we’re no different today than they were back then.

Kimberley Australia: there are several Aboriginal or Aborigine cave paintings that are approximately 3 to 5,000 years old and they clearly depict the presence of aliens or Extraterrestrial Beings. Plus the Aboriginal belief system integrates the idea of sky beings with the Wandjina that can be seen all over the northern portion of Kimberley Australia. The indigenous people of Australia know what they’re talking about and what they saw and this why their oral traditions continue to this very day. The Aborigines are wise to keep their traditions.

Windsor Castle: Thomas and Paul Sandby were standing on the terrace of Windsor Castle when they suddenly saw a UFO that appeared before them while they were innocently conversing with two other witnesses. The incident happened at 9:45PM on 08-17-1783 and the Extraterrestrial craft in question had a light that lit up the earth that was directly underneath it and despite what you might have heard about this particular incident, meteors don’t stand still and they certainly don’t have lights that are capable of lighting up the soil beneath them. Let us employ a little deductive reasoning while we still have breath and while we still have the unblemished faculties to do so.

The 1680 French Jeton: as previously stated the Jeton is the equivalent of a casino piece or marker or a poker chip and these coins or monetary substitutes were used for games and there’s a Latin inscription on the aforementioned Jeton and it reads as follows. “It is here at an opportune time.”

Tanzania Africa: there are two 29,000 year old cave paintings that depict UFOs and Extraterrestrials. The one in the Itolo region depicts several disk-shaped objects that are in flight and the second one that’s in the Kolo region clearly shows four aliens or Extraterrestrial Entities that are surrounding a woman. The female is being grabbed by the aliens that are closest to her and you can see them making contact with her arms. What terror this woman must have felt since you can easily deduce from the painting that she wasn’t a willing participant due to the way that the Extraterrestrial Entities are all ganging up on her. We see the very same thing today when a group of Extraterrestrial Entities abduct one of our fellow humans for experimentation or for amusement or for both because as previously stated in another post some Extraterrestrials view humans as being nothing more than curios or novelties or toys or trinkets. Now of course we don’t see ourselves as being toys or as being playthings, however, some of the Extraterrestrial Entities that are roaming our planet do and this is why you must resist them with all of your being if they try to take you because you may not be returned.

Kiev: there’s a 4 to 5,000 year old alien in a space suit. He doesn’t look like anything that’s from this world, so the question that has to be asked is where did these so-called primitive people get the idea for this non-terrestrial entity? Is this imagination or is it something that they encountered 4 to 5,000 years ago, and if it’s not an alien as many have come to believe, does its very existence mean that we had a certain group of humans that were engaged in space travel as far back as 5,000 B.C.E.? And if so, then it means that we underwent a massive reset as a species and that all of the knowledge that we previously possessed was lost and that we’re just now founding out what the ancients already knew thousands of years ago. The British Museum is an excellent place to conduct an independent investigation because you will find pieces of art that you never thought possible and that you never knew existed. The Natural History Museum in London is another place that you must visit. Pictures don’t begin to tell the full story. You have to stand in front of the piece in order to experience it for yourself and in order to pick up the incredible energy that surrounded its creation.

Egyptian Secrets And Art Work: the Ancient Black Egyptians left us a number of clues that reveal the past. For example, we can clearly see that the light bulb is not a modern-day invention and that the Egyptians had a light bulb that’s 2600 years old. Now in order to take credit for inventing something you must be the very first to do it and since the Egyptians already created the light bulb we cannot say with a straight face that the light bulb was created by an American even though this is what we were previously taught. Thank God for the various branches of science because if it were left up to the bloody evolutionists then we would never learn the truth about anything because they’re dedicated to deceiving everyone, however, there are certain disembodied forces that are beyond this realm and that have been revealing the truth to certain individuals prior to the various branches of science discovering certain items from the past, so what that means is that certain things that might be shared with the general public through news broadcast were already revealed to others years ago. Everything is nothing more than a repeat of ancient history, and speaking of ancient history, the battery is nothing new because you see the Egyptians already had a battery prior to the modern-day scientists creating one and carbon dating has revealed the age of the battery that was found inside a rock and it is approximately 500,000 years old. Don’t be deceived by the foolishness that’s coming through your television set. Try to dedicate at least an hour or two to researching the things of the past, so you can understand what’s taking place in modern times. Now since a great deal of knowledge seeking individuals won’t have the opportunity to explore the same things that I have due to the current cost of education, I specifically mention the Extraterrestrial that’s riding inside the Egyptian chariot because I want you to understand what you’re looking at and I also explain why the picture that clearly shows an alien cannot be mistaken for mannerism. You see this is why a higher level of education is so important because those that possess the knowledge cannot be so easily fooled and especially when they’ve studied more than one discipline. Take full advantage of those Pell Grants.

Chinese Reliefs And Fictional Book: I had a Chinese friend while I was in college and she showed me a drawing that revealed several reliefs that she said were found inside a maze on a Chinese Island that she called Jotuo and they clearly show a group of humans that were wearing clothing that looks like the kind of space suits that modern-day astronauts would wear. In addition, these suits appear to have oxygen hoses that would obviously be used for breathing. Plus one of the reliefs closely resembles the solar system and there were ten planets, so the tenth planet is nothing new because the ancient Chinese Relief proves that the ancients had knowledge of a tenth planet. Now the same Chinese friend and classmate also introduced me to a 1400 year old Chinese book called “Illustrated Survey of Weird Countries.” Where she got it from? I don’t know, but this 1400 A.D. book specifically stated that the people could make flying cars that traveled by wind and if this isn’t real then the Chinese must be the inventors of science fiction because the picture that I saw clearly shows people flying in cars and with bubbles on their heads for breathing and they are above livestock as well as people. I accept what she showed me to be true since there’s an infinite number of mysterious items out there that have yet to be discovered and since she didn’t open up about the reliefs or about the book until we had known each other for close to six months. Plus the items were shown to me in secret and the only condition that she made was that I not tell the rest of the students in the class since she was a foreign exchange student and feared that her visa would be taken away if word got out that she had a certain book that talked about flying cars as far back as 1400 A.D. and if anyone were to find out about the tenth planet that was being talked about on one of the reliefs. The information about the reliefs was apparently circulating throughout her family and they had obtained certain papers that revealed what was on the reliefs. My friend was not allowed to give me one of the copies, but she had no problem showing them to me just as long as I didn’t tell anyone about the reliefs or about the book. I have  never closed myself off from any particular culture and have always respected their traditions and this is why I’ve been able to find out certain things that the average person wouldn’t be privy to since secrecy is often required. In addition to my Chinese friend and classmate I also had a female teacher that realized that I was interested in ancient art work and in much, much more than just the mundane, and instantly recognizing my maturity at a young age and my overall appetite for knowledge she provided me with certain books that were not part of the curriculum and that were from her day and that she obtained from overseas and from other states and this is how I gained knowledge about a number of the things that are just being talked about today.

Germany 1697: on 11/04/1697 two UFOs that were described as glowing wheels suddenly appeared in the skies over Hamburg, Germany and if we are to believe the official report about the Wright Brothers being the first to take flight in late 1903, how do we then begin to explain what was seen in 1697? I wish that there were more teachers like the teacher that gave me the books to read because more and more people would come to understand what we’re really dealing with, and they would also come to realize that the aforementioned 17th Century encounter demonstrates that the Germans had many more encounters with an Extraterrestrial presence than most people might imagine.

Haratonohama Hitachi Japan: in 1803 which is 100 years before the Wright Brothers took flight, a UFO that was described as having strange writing and a crew was seen over Haratonohama Hitachi Japan and it was said to be constructed of metal and glass and the question that I have is whether or not there were any independent humans or recognized governments that were flying aircrafts in 1803? My research suggests that no one from our planet was roaming the skies, so unless the entire world experienced a collective nervous breakdown that no one seems to remember or knows about, it means that this UFO sighting really happened and that the description is accurate because one must remember that this is well before the Japanese culture was influenced by American culture and by the American based “Gloomy Gus” types that ridicule the vast majority of people who explain what they saw. The aforementioned wet blankets didn’t exist in the ancient world because people were more enlightened back then. Pessimists weren’t allowed to rule the society with their biased highly critical news articles that are nothing more than “Worrywart Pieces.”

Nuremberg UFO Sighting: on 04/14/1561 several UFOs appeared in the sky and are said to have engaged in battle with one another and as I stated during the program one has to wonder whether or not this had anything to do with the Nazis being tried at Nuremberg. Could these 16th Century Extraterrestrials have prompted the Nazis to start a World War that resembled the battle that was seen in the sky? Or could this unusual encounter with the battling Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft have been a type of prophecy or a harbinger of certain things that were to come, meaning did the battle in the sky reveal that the Nazis would one day come out of Germany and that they would fight in World War II prior to being defeated despite their advanced technology? Does the appearance of Extraterrestrials and Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft in our time mean that we are headed for disaster as a species? There’s a lot that we don’t know about the Nazis or about their plan to conquer the world since a great deal of the Nazis were never tried and simply disappeared.

The Annunciation Painting With Saint Emidius: the following painting was created by Carlo Crivelli in 1486 and if you take a look at the sky that’s directly above the buildings you will clearly see a UFO or an Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft, and the question that everyone should be asking themselves is why there’s a spacecraft in the picture and why Mr. Crivelli felt the need to add it to this particular picture? We should also ask ourselves what the painter was trying to convey to future generations since human nature tells us that if this were not an accepted phenomena or ordinary occurrence of the day, then the naysayers would be behaving just like they are today, however, we have no evidence of anyone that tried to stop the artists from depicting Extraterrestrials and UFOs or Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft. The fact that Carlo Crivelli and others were allowed to paint UFOs and Extraterrestrial Beings without ridicule and without being slandered and without their art work being destroyed by the authorities or by the devout Christian laymen of their day tells us that we have regressed as a species since we automatically ridicule those that are simply talking about what was depicted long before the modern-day humans that sport white lab coats and coffee mugs and laptop computers were even a thought in the minds of their parents. This should tell you something because any artist that tries to insert UFOs or Extraterrestrial Beings in a painting that is produced today won’t be taken serious and he or she will be ridiculed by others and marginalized by the press, and given the knowledge that I currently possess about the past and about the present, I would be remiss if I didn’t provide the following information and if I didn’t pose the kinds of questions that are designed to cause you to think about the world that you’re presently living in and about the world that our collective ancestors lived in.

We are experiencing the very same phenomena as those in the past and it is my contention that all human civilizations that are born into the world must undergo a period of UFOs and Extraterrestrials who are also referred to in certain enlightened circles as the gods. They want us to know that we aren’t the only ones and that our activities are being monitored and that they are superior to us in knowledge and in technology. Are they our duly appointed prison guards?

The Crucifixion Painting: this particular 1350 painting/fresco that’s above the altar at the Visoki Monestary in Kosovo Yugoslavia clearly shows Jesus Christ being flanked by two Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft and one has to wonder why this was added to the painting and why these technologically deprived people who didn’t have the ability to fly were even considering such high concepts? What did they know? What is the underline reason for why these things are being purposely covered up by the powers that be and by those that give the grade school children and the high school children and the college students books that they know will not reveal the truth about our origins or about what really happened in the past between humans and Extraterrestrials? Was the devastation that we suffered at the hands of the Extraterrestrials so bad that we dare not remember it? Shall there indeed be another show down between the humans and the Extraterrestrials in the not too distant future? Our electrical signature and electronics are the reason that we’re being more closely monitored and that certain sensitive sites are being tampered with since our advances in technology means that we have risen from the ashes that they left us in after The Cosmic EMP.

Inca Ceramic Artifacts: the ancient Incas are responsible for creating startling Extraterrestrial style aircraft. If the Incas were as primitive as we are told that they were why were they even considering these highly advanced concepts that only sophisticated men and women like ourselves can conceive of since we’re supposed to believe that everyone else that lived before us is nothing more than a beast of the field? The Incas had knowledge about flying machines and could it be that the European explorers killed all of the keepers of the books and stole their advanced aeronautical technology and that they also did the very same thing to the Africans and to the other civilizations that they conquered prior to reverse engineering their technology over hundreds of years and repackaging it as their own? Why are we being lied to about UFOs and Extraterrestrials and why are we being told that certain people created certain things that they did not? Are all of these advanced technologies simply being repackaged as new inventions when they’re really from the ancient advanced civilizations like the Ancient Black Egyptians and like the Incas and others?

Ecuadorian Alien Astronaut Sculpture: today there’s an ancient Ecuadorian alien astronaut sculpture that closely resembles the kind of space suits that are being used by our modern-day astronauts. Why would these primitive people even conceive of such a suit? What was their inspiration? Why would it be necessary to develop this type of suit if one weren’t planning to leave the earth by means of an earth built spacecraft or by means of an Extraterrestrial spacecraft that was coming to pick them up?

War of 776: the manuscript that’s known as Annales Laurissenses explains what happened during the siege of Sigiburg Castle. The Saxons had the French surrounded when a flaming disk suddenly appeared in the sky and fearing that the UFO and that the Extraterrestrial Beings were there to help the besieged French, the Saxons fled the scene and no one really knows what the world would be like if the Saxons had stayed the course just like no one really knows what would have happened had the Extraterrestrials returned with more spaceships after they were fired upon during the night of February 24th 1942. I seriously doubt that we would have experienced the turbulent sixties and seventies because some of us would most likely be fighting the good fight from a series of underground tunnels while the Extraterrestrials continue to set up permanent bases on our planet as we’re struggling to build better weapons since we would be stuck with 1940’s era guns and artillery that was certainly useful against the Nazis but that’s no match for a sophisticated Extraterrestrial power. Despite what you might think; we were spared and everyone in Los Angeles that was going to church during the 1940s and 50s knows it.

UFOs and Extraterrestrial Beings are always seen during times of great conflict and although you haven’t heard it reported in the mainstream media or in the alternative media for that matter, Extraterrestrial Manned Aircraft as well as alien life forms were seen in South Central Los Angeles during the 1980s when the Bloods and the Crips were at war with one another over drug territory. In addition, I did another episode wherein I talked about a pair of Extraterrestrial aircraft that visited Anaheim California. This particular area has a group of Hispanic gangs that are at war with one another and other parts of America that have seen increased incidents of police shootings are also being visited by UFOs and by Extraterrestrials. The UFOs seem to just be observing for now and I’ve been tracking their presence for years and know that they’re attracted to these particular areas of conflict and that it doesn’t take a major war to cause them to appear. I visited the Anaheim area late at night after the recent shooting and during the civil unrest that followed and I spotted several UFOs that were hovering over the area. The Starbucks was one of the places that I spotted a UFO.

I’m breaking this news for the very first time.

The Ghosts Of Guam

I mention what happened after I spotted a pastor inside a restaurant that I was frequenting. The pastor seemed to be frightened, so I approached his table and asked whether or not he was alright and at first he said that he was fine, but later confessed that he really wasn’t. The pastor and I started talking and he confessed to me that he had to leave Guam for a while where he works and lives as a pastor. During the conversation I learned that the pastor left for supernatural reasons and I advised him that I knew about the World War II ghosts that continue to fight one another, however, he explained that these particular ghosts aren’t the same as the ones that we’re normally used to. The pastor then advised me that the ghosts are called Taotaomona and that the Chamorro people say that the ghosts are their ancestors. The ghosts that dwell on Guam are also referred to as Zombie Ghosts because they have decaying bodies and according to the pastor they growl and scream in the caves at night and they also live in the jungle. The pastor was trembling while he was talking about the Zombie Ghosts and he stated that he happened to be watching television when one of the Taotaomona suddenly appeared outside his bedroom window which immediately caused him to retreat and when he went downstairs to try to exit the house he noticed that there were more of the Taotaomona that were standing outside his home and two of the four didn’t have heads. I go into more details on the audio file and I also mention the Latte Stones. Have a Happy Halloween!

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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Lyceum Of The Wolfe: Episode Fifteen

Transcript of the episode that was recorded on 09/25/2012

What To Bring To A Paranormal Investigation

In this episode I explain that one should bring a note pad, two pencils, a manual pencil sharpener, a digital camera, and a recording device, and I specifically don’t mention bringing a ballpoint pen for the following reason. You see my paranormal encounters have taught me to only rely on wooden pencils and on manual pencil sharpeners since I’ve had several writing pens fail on me once the paranormal entity comes on the scene. There is something that takes place between the paranormal entity and between the ink and this phenomenon causes the ink to seize up. Now the disturbance in the ink doesn’t always happen, however, there have been numerous occasions where perfectly functioning pens that were tested beforehand and that were brand new wouldn’t work. This happened when I first started conducting investigations/experiments as a child and it continued as my work progressed into my teenage years and into adulthood. Wooden pencils don’t fail; however, electricity can be affected by the presence of a paranormal entity, so this is why I suggest bringing a manual pencil sharpener since it works off of motion. I was innocently exploring the inside of my mother’s elementary school classroom at the age of eight years old and I was abruptly alerted to the presence of an Eternal Protoplasmic Projection, and the revelation took place right after I noticed that the electric pencil sharpener that I had just finished using wasn’t working. I checked to make sure that the cord was firmly plugged into the socket or into the receptacle and it was. I also looked around the room to see if the power had gone off on one side of the room and if this was possibly the reason for the inoperable pencil sharpener and when I looked up after examining the receptacle for the second time the ghostly outline was standing right next to me; however, he didn’t utter a word and he quickly disappeared as I innocently reached out to try to touch him since he was standing so close and since I was curious about the texture of his form, and after he was gone the pencil sharpener started to work again. The temporary interruption of the electricity happened three additional times as the ghost appeared in different parts of the classroom and it was almost as if he were trying to play hide-go-seek with me. There have been other occasions when an electronic tester that I own has failed to work. I have a voltage ohmmeter that wouldn’t work prior to me seeing an Eternal Protoplasmic Projection that was standing off in the distance. Once she left the ohmmeter started to work again. There have been other times when various electrically based devices have worked just fine even though there’s a ghost in the room.

I have learned to “Ghost Watch” which is the same as people watching. You simply sit and observe the ghost in the environment that it has chosen to manifest itself in, and you do not move or speak since you are only there to observe the actions of the ghost without trying to interact with it since not every ghost wants to communicate with the living and since not every ghost wants to have his or her picture taken or their voice recorded and this is why I explain that a digital camera and a voice recorder are not always appropriate. Remember ghosts retain the same feelings and attitudes about certain subjects, and if they didn’t want their picture taken or their voice recorded while alive they won’t want it done while their dead. Some ghosts are polar opposites and they will cooperate with those that want to photograph them or with those that want to record their voice. Remember being dead doesn’t mean that you’re stupid. The ghosts that choose to manifest themselves can detect the presence of voice recorders and digital cameras and 35mm cameras and video cameras and they know what these devices are used for. Lastly, some ghosts or Eternal Protoplasmic Projections long for attention, so the paranormal investigator must be prepared to be touched by these apparitions since some ghost will touch you on purpose just to experience the sensation. I have felt this on many different occasions and sometimes the ghosts will do it without making their presence known. For example, you can be asleep and the male or female ghost will touch a certain part of your anatomy that causes you to wake up. This also happens to people that are not paranormal investigators and some people have even been touched while eating inside a restaurant in Orange County California or while doing some grocery shopping or while working out at a local gym or while riding in their car or while bicycling or while bathing or while brushing their teeth or while washing their car or while reading a book or while sitting inside a coffee house. Ghosts are everywhere and some will tell you that they did not live on the earth prior to dying, and they will also tell you that they are from other worlds and that they are from other dimensions where humans like us live; this is indeed why some ghosts appear to be lost when visiting our world for the very first time.

How Some Ghost Prefer To Communicate

In the following episode I mention that some ghost will only communicate with the living through telepathic means. I have encountered several ghosts that will not communicate through audible means, meaning they will not speak to you directly, however, they will use their mind to transfer thoughts into your head and you can either responds by speaking words to them or by using your own mind to respond to their statements and to their questions. In addition, you will encounter some Eternal Protoplasmic Projections that will only speak to you by using their minds and you will have to do the same that is if you want to communicate with the E.P.P. that has chosen to manifest itself to you. No explanation will be given as to why the ghost refuses to speak words to you, so you will have to communicate on its terms, and if you’re a person that’s used to speaking his or her thoughts out loud and cannot convert to the system of conversing while using your mind, your communication will be cut short because some ghosts will not humor you. There will be times that you will encounter certain ghosts that will appear to be terribly frightened of the living and if you just sit still and allow things to play out, you might obtain an explanation that explains their fear. Remember we are what they used to be, so we are perfectly capable of communicating with them if we have the patience and the understanding and the desire to do so.

Tombstone Arizona And My Paranormal Experience On 80 West

I mention what a great time I had in Tombstone Arizona and how pleasant everyone was. I also mention speaking to some of the people in town, and I describe what happened while I was traveling back to Tempe Arizona. While riding in the car something that could only be an Eternal Protoplasmic Projection, since I didn’t detect the presence of a demon, suddenly and unexpectedly changed the station on the car radio while I was traveling on 80 West. The kind of radio that was in the car that I was traveling in has a knob that must be turned in order to change the station, so the ghost obviously wanted me to know that it was there since there was no other way for the station to be changed without the dial being physically turned either clockwise or counterclockwise and in this case it was clockwise based on the increase in station numbers. The paranormal experience didn’t end there either because you see I was watching television later on that night and I happened to be watching the Investigation Discovery channel since I like the Deadly Women series that they have to offer and I specifically left the television on this channel, however, after dozing off for a spell I woke up to find that someone who could only be the ghost from the car had changed the channel to the news. The ghost switched the channel to Headline News for some unexplained reason and I mention these two incidents just to tell you that sometimes a friendly ghost will follow you from a certain location even if you aren’t conducting a paranormal investigation and the ghost or ghosts will follow you simply because you’re open to other concepts or to other realities. I wasn’t harmed in the least bit and regard the two incidents as par for the course. Plus I mentioned in a previous episode how a ghost suddenly turned on my television set one Saturday morning, so this wasn’t my first experience with a ghost tampering with the television. In addition, a number of ghosts used to change the radio station when I was a child which is one of the reasons that I started conducting investigations and experiments while still attending elementary school, and I made a solemn promise to myself one summer that I would visit Tombstone Arizona, so I could visit the same places as Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday and the other legends that I read about. Now before I move on let me just state that the state of Arizona is a great place and that I enjoy vacationing there and that Tombstone has a lot of great food and drinks and wonderful people that aren’t shy about extending their Southwestern hospitality. The performers at the Gunfight Palace are one such group and they put on three impressive reenactments that tell the real story of Tombstone Arizona and Gold Dollar and Margarita are mentioned by name.

My Ghostly Encounter In Scottsdale Arizona

I mention how I did a little gambling at Casino Arizona and how a transparent male ghost suddenly ran across the road at Mckellips and McClintock, and I also mention that I believe that the ghost was in the area since the Drive-in theater wasn’t operational, and I draw this conclusion because I had been in the area on many different occasions without seeing a ghost. Plus the area is normally teeming with people on a Saturday night, but since the entire area was dark, I believe that this is why the ghost manifested himself. Remember ghosts always return to the scene of their greatest activities and this particular ghost was most likely a patron of the West Wind Scottsdale 6 Drive-in Theater when it was fully operational. By the way I frequented this particular Drive-in theater in the past and it was the kind of theater that would broadcast its sound through a particular radio station that you would tune into which is different from the ones that required you to hang the speaker on the inside of your car window. It’s too bad that most of the things that make us recognizable as Americans are fast disappearing, however, we are still famous for our road trips and since road trips are just as American as apple pie, I never hesitate to get on the wide open road.

The Tower Of Babel

I discuss The Tower of Babel in addition to our similarities to the people that were responsible for the construction of The Tower of Babel and I also explain what The Towel of Babel was and what happened to the people. Plus you’ll want to hear what I have to say about “The Universal Language” and about how we have been brought together by Empirical Science and who brought us back together whether knowingly or unknowingly. There are several things that you need to know about the conditions that existed back then and about the conditions that exist today and if you know anything about history then you’ll realize that history always repeats itself. I mention the fact that the gods or the Extraterrestrials destroyed the space program of the people that were responsible for The Tower of Babel and I also explain that the gods or the Extraterrestrials changed the languages. Will we suffer the same fate as the people that were responsible for The Tower of Babel?

The Cosmic EMP

During this episode I explain what The Cosmic EMP is used for and I also give the sequence of events, meaning I explain what comes before The Cosmic EMP is used and just so no one is confused. The Cosmic EMP that I’m referring to is not a solar flare. It is a weapon that is used by the gods or by the Extraterrestrials and this particular weapon is used to reset humanity. The blacks that were in Atlantis and that had reached the pinnacle of knowledge were locked into a battle to the death with the gods or with the Extraterrestrials that were trying to reset humanity and they as well as their knowledge were destroyed. Will we be the next Atlantis since our technological advances are being closely monitored? Should we as a species start assembling certain items which include pictures of ourselves and not just photographs that are taken, but that are also drawn, so that the people that come after us can know who we were? Once you hear how we are started over as a species you will understand why I’m asking these particular questions. Shouldn’t those that come after us know that we once lived inside several countries and as a unified people and that we used a universal language? The only way that the people that come after us will know this is if we start to assemble pictorial examples of ourselves that depict blacks and whites and Asians and Hispanics and Arabs and others all living together under one flag and as brothers and sisters. Once The Cosmic EMP is used all knowledge will be lost and none of our electronic equipment will work because The Cosmic EMP affects all electrically based devices including our brains. I propose that a time capsule of the United States and of the entire Western world be buried that shows all of us living together as a unified people, so that the other civilizations that will surely come after us will know what we accomplished before we were reset. If it were not for clay tablets and papyrus which are not affected by The Cosmic EMP we would not know the things that we know about the people that lived before us. They were highly intelligent people and they used certain incorruptible materials that could be buried and that would withstand the test of time and that were not electronically based, and so did the Egyptians that erected the Pyramids and so did the Nubians that also erected Pyramids. Let us learn a lesson from those that came before us and let us also follow in their footsteps because what is not readily known is that the Extraterrestrials or the gods will use human on human violence to destroy those that have the true knowledge and that have reached the pinnacle of knowledge in their time.

In some cases a less knowledgeable group of people will take over a given area and after they destroy all of the artifacts and the books that contain the secrets of the universe, they will be the humans that will live long enough to experience The Cosmic EMP since the human race will have already been made that much dumber through warfare. Can you imagine how far we would be set back if something were to happen to the greatest physics minds that the world has to offer and if the vast majority of the engineers and the builders were suddenly and simultaneously wiped out through a disastrous natural occurrence or through warfare? There would be a gap that’s akin to the gap that currently exists between the Egyptian flying machines, and between the Ancient Greek Archytas who built a steam powered aircraft that flew for some two hundred feet, and between the Wright Brothers who didn’t take flight until late 1903.

What happened to the knowledge in the interim?

The Cosmic EMP which is nothing short of an Extraterrestrial derived weapon and its partners that are affectionately known throughout the world as warfare, and as human on human violence, and as racism that’s specifically based on one’s physical characteristics are the reasons for the loss of knowledge.

This is indeed how knowledge is lost and how humans participate in resetting their own species.

Now let me just say that anyone that has studied UFOs for any number of years and that has seen them for themselves can tell you that these non-terrestrial aircraft are always present during conflicts and in areas where advancements in technology have been achieved. And during the program I mention the Rhodesian War which is also known as the Second Chimurenga or as the Zimbabwe War of Liberation. UFOs were spotted during this particular conflict that lasted from July 1964 to December 1979. The war involved the Rhodesian government and the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army and the Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army of Joshua Nkomo’s Zimbabwe African People’s Union and it resulted in the universal suffrage of 1979 which was to end the rule of the white minority in Rhodesia, however, it failed to gain international recognition and acceptance and the bloody conflict continued. UFOs were also seen during the Vietnam War where my uncle served in the United States Navy and they’ve been seen throughout Africa and in China and in Russia and in the Middle East.

John F. Kennedy placed the 33-rpm gold plated record that’s known as Camelot on the moon, so I ask you here just as I ask during the program, if we are the only creatures in existence, then why was the greeting/recording left on the moon by the Apollo astronauts if it is not for the other non-terrestrial entities or creatures to know that we are a different life form and that we hail from the planet earth?

Homo habilis and the Thatch Hut are mentioned during the program to demonstrate the first humans that have the ability to learn after The Cosmic EMP has been deployed and after the Extraterrestrials or the gods have already caused a considerable amount of destruction to take place on the planet prior to deploying The Cosmic EMP that destroys all knowledge of the past after the destructive forces have already covered up our accomplishments. We are currently excavating the past accomplishments of the advanced civilizations that lived before us and that underwent the reset that I mention during the program. After a man and a woman are placed in various parts of the world and subsequently given new languages after The Cosmic EMP has been deployed, they have offspring and subsequently pass on their knowledge prior to expiring and we continue from this point forward. We start out as human beings and remain human and we evolve in knowledge only and not in form as the evolutionist erroneously state. We do not come from apes and never did and did not start out as single celled organisms. This is nonsense and I rejected Charles Darwin’s theory while I was still attending elementary school. This is when I was first introduced to, “The Gospel of Science.”

I Encourage Others To Record Their Experiences

I encourage others to record their experiences and to share them with their family and friends. Also, if you have a paranormal experience that you just need to get off your chest and that you might want me to mention during one of my shows, you can send me an email with the words, “Please discuss my story on your show. “ It’s possible that I might also have you on the show.

You don’t have to provide your real name and if you do, I’ll only mention the first name and not the last name and this also goes for members of the law enforcement community that might want to share their experiences.

Your emails can be sent to:

Below is a link to the episode.

May your nights and days be filled with the answers that you seek.

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